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Problematic modular armor

Posted: Fri Nov 29, 2019 7:47 pm
by plussantana
I have several modular armors with different configurations
And I want to make one that is only for combat, one that is only for
Scroll, and another that is mixed. The question is: who knows something optimal
For each one

Re: Problematic modular armor

Posted: Sun Dec 01, 2019 11:57 am
by Premu
I don't think there is an "optimal" build - it depends heavily on the player's preferences.

For example for combat - how do you plan to fight those natives? If you're setting out to fight them on foot, having some exosceletons inside is worth it to be able to dodge the spitters and outrun the biters. Of course you must balance your mobility with your protection (energy shields) and firepower (personal laser defense). Which balance is optimal for your play style is something only you can find out.

If your preferred combat style is to get into your tank and crush right into those bases both exosceletons and energy shields are uselesss while your personal laser defense happily shoots out of the tank. In this case you might rely heavily on the latter and only one exosceleto and one or two energy shields for emergencies in case your tank gets stuck in a cliff.