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Some steam turbines not working : (

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 11:53 am
by ValentinL
Sans titre.png
Sans titre.png (5.07 MiB) Viewed 1829 times
As you can see some of the turbines are not working.
Help me please :D

Re: Some steam turbines not working : (

Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2019 12:05 pm
by disentius
the ratio is about 1.23 turbine for each heat exchanger: you use 3 per heat exchanger.Not enough steam available.

See the factorio wiki


to be more precise:
Heat exchangers produce 103.0927835 steam per second
Steam Turbines consume 60 steam per second

One exchanger can feed 103.0927835 / 60 = 1.7182130583 turbines
(close to perfect ratio for small reactors: 14 exchangers to 24 turbines: you need to produce 140 MW with your reactors, and deliver a total of 14 * 103.0927835 water per second.)