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Train stops at chain signal - [resolved]

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:24 am
by infogulch
Maybe I'm confused, but doesn't a chain signal prevent trains from stopping at it? My understanding is that the train has to have an open normal signal ahead for it to actually path through a chain signal. I thought I understood train signals pretty well but this one is baffling me.

If I'm just crazy, what am I missing?

Or is it it a bug?

Re: Train stops at chain signal - Bug?

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:55 am
by jockeril
I will theorize that the second train was already in that rail segment when the chain signal turned red - your problem is you're using normal signals at the edge of the stacker instead of a chain signal because that allows the train to move beyond that stacker and into a hold line before the stops.

TL;DR - user the chain signal in the edge of the stacker to solve - NaB.

Re: Train stops at chain signal - [resolved]

Posted: Sun May 05, 2019 8:57 am
by infogulch
Ah my train stacker is signalled incorrectly. For train stackers you need a single chain signal feeding into a set of normal signals where trains park, and chain signals on exits. I had these backwards.

Edit: jockeril, I just missed your post with mine, but that was it. Thanks!