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Help! Need Reinforcements!

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:04 pm
by Cinder85
Okay so long story short and a few Disclaimers, This is my 2nd game with Biters and hopefully my 2nd game with my 2nd rocket launched. i am going for No Solar and No Laser Turrets Achievements. Now ive only launched a rocket once so far and that was my last map. But now id like to go for these achievements and such. Only problem is is i wasted a lot of time in the beginning trying to figure out how to space stuff out correctly kinda like Nilaus does. Now that i have the weekend to play my Factory keeps getting attacked by massive swarms of The Small Biters. Evolution Rate is .14-16 something and right now i dont have any other biters other then the small pink ones but theres A LOT of them attacking at once. I cant keep up with ammo production and i cant figure out a good way to deliver all the ammo as now i should be using Red ammo but thats struggling still because of the sheer amount of Biters coming. Unfortunately i dont know whether i should just trash the save and start a new one or figure out a better way to keep the pollution at bay and produce enough Grenades and AP Magazines to use the car to go and clear nests. Also what does it mean to "protect the pollution cloud"? I hear people say it but dont understand. Also i did waste a bunch of time neglecting to build a cheesy Starter Base for Red and Green science so im far behind on the Power Struggle when it comes to biters. Okay im sorry for Format and all this jumbled mess so please ask questions and please be nice because im trying to make the most of my 1 day off from People till i have to go to work on monday.

Re: Help! Need Reinforcements!

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 10:36 pm
by Qon
Cinder85 wrote:
Sat Apr 20, 2019 6:04 pm
Also what does it mean to "protect the pollution cloud"? I hear people say it but dont understand.
The only proper question I managed to find.

The pollution cloud (visible on the map, press M and then the red box in top right corner) is absorbed by spawners which
  • makes them annoyed
  • Is used to spawn new bugs
  • will make them send a formal complaint in the form of a squad of biters chewing on your base
Also makes the evolution go up, but I'm not sure if pollution produced or pollution absorbed by spawners is what contributes to this. Time and spawners killed also make evolution go up.

If you keep your pollution cloud from touching any spawners then you will be mostly left alone.
This can be achieved by reducing your pollution cloud.
Boilers produce pollution, consider adding some solar panels. Efficiency modules reduce power usage (so less pollution by boilers) and also reduce pollution produced by the buildings.
You can also reduce the production of things you don't need to avoid making pollution for no practical gain. Slowing down/ reducing production means any pollution made has more time to be absorbed by the ground and trees so the cloud wont reach as far.
You can also put your factories closer to or in forests instead of in open deserts since those are better at absorbing pollution. Avoid chopping down trees if you don't need the wood or space. Tiles like concrete will reduce the absorption by ground.

It can also be achieved by reducing the nests within your pollution cloud. Just kill all the nests within the pollution cloud :twisted:

Re: Help! Need Reinforcements!

Posted: Sat Apr 20, 2019 11:49 pm
by zOldBulldog
This is my Factorio pet peeve for 0.17, developers setting the *defaults* so that they cause significant combat right from the start, completely ignoring that people learning or doing nice designs need more time before dealing with enemies.

But the good news is that even though it is not obvious nor well communicated and explained you can adjust all of the important Game settings.

In your case, your playstyle is very obvious to me, so I recommend you make a new game with these settings:

- Setup no expansion (default in railworld, but you can also set it manually).
- Set the Starter Area Size to maximum (600%).
- Set the Richness for the ore deposits to 300% or even 500%.
- Monitor your pollution cloud on the map (red button on top right panel while in the map). Make sure you clear nests before your cloud reaches them.
- Tank and explosive ammo are a good way to clear nests early in. Artillery and laser turrets to fend off the mass rush are good later. Adding flamethrowers and designing dragon teeth defenses help in the end game.

Many that have experience and like the struggle against biters will say it is overkill. Ignore them, they have no idea how you are playing and can't possibly understand why you are having those issues.

Of course, plan on reducing those settings closer to the default values in later games.

Re: Help! Need Reinforcements!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:41 pm
by astroshak
That level of defense is not, strictly speaking, necessary.

With Expansion turned OFF, it is enough to simply clear any and all nets within, and near, your pollution cloud. A few defenses here and there, to protect against any squads sent by nests you either did not realize were within the pollution cloud, or have not gotten around to, are sufficient. Keep the entire cloud scouted by radar, and check it every now and then, so you’ll know when to go on a bug hunt.

Walls, “dragon’s teeth”, backed by a line of Turrets or Laser Turrets and maybe some Flame Turrets and/or Artillery, those are only really needed with Expansion turned ON. You don’t know when the bugs are going to spread to within your pollution cloud, and they may build up a rather sizeable attacking force with which to introduce themselves as neighbors. This is when you want to wall off a large chunk of land, in which you can operate freely, without attack. Biter bases within your pollution cloud, but outside the line of defenses, are not a concern until you want to expand beyond those lines of defense.

Re: Help! Need Reinforcements!

Posted: Sun Apr 21, 2019 12:53 pm
by zOldBulldog
Correct. I was just keeping it simple for him, so that he gets no surprises.

Once achievements are done it is easy to use a command and start enabling things one by one. Of course, if you are not prepared for them you can still get surprised.