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Combat Balancing (PvP Scenario)

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2018 5:51 pm
by StarTotino
My friend refuses to update factorio to the unstable 16.x, so I do multiplayer in 0.15.40, so this refers mainly to 0.15.40 but it's probably mostly the same in 0.16.x:

In the PvP Scenario, you have the Combat Balancing options, but I have no idea what numbers I should enter. Decimals aren't allowed but negatives are and I don't know if filling in: Health Bonus [100] will give the player +100% max health, or +100 max health points, or if it just makes players heal faster (thanks to a lack of any tool-tips).

I'm wondering what each setting or group of combat balancing settings does.

if I put -12 for shotgun, will that make shotguns do 12% less or 12 points less of damage? or do negatives not even work?
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