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Train Station Names in Train GUI

Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2017 9:03 am
by chridder

is there any way to get the train station names displayed in the map of the train GUI, where I define the route of the train?
I always have to switch to world map first, to check the stations I like to have in my route, and then switch back to train GUI and (hopefully) remember correctly the station names I like to add to the route.

Wouldn't it be easier to be able to navigate in the map displayed in the train GUI and also display the station names here as on the world map?

Do I missed something? Can I switch it on somehow?

Thanks in advance

Re: Train Station Names in Train GUI

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:48 pm
by SchorschieMaster
Do you use the names given by factorio? I can't remember them either.

I always rename the stations like: "Iron01", "Iron02" and so on. Same with "Copper01" and "Coal01" and all the other stuff. This makes it easy to handle these stations. Same is with the stations for delivery: I name them "IronOreDrop" or "CoalDrop".
When you assign a station to a train the station list ist ordered alphabetically so all same types are grouped together.

Re: Train Station Names in Train GUI

Posted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 5:30 pm
by chridder
I rename the stations in a similar way as you do, but I still forget often if I want to create a new route from "Iron01" or "Iron02" to "IronDrop01" or "IronDrop Southwest02" and so on.
So I add the first station and then leave the Train Gui, switch to map mode, check the other station(s) and go back to train to choose them from the list. If I want to have multiple stations in a route, I sometimes need to repeat it ...

my own RAM seems to be not able, to hold the information long enough :)

But anyway, for what is the minimap in the Train GUI useful, if I can't use it to navigate to the stations I want to assign to the route and get their name from it?

Re: Train Station Names in Train GUI

Posted: Mon Jul 24, 2017 5:32 pm
by Greybeard_LXI
chridder wrote:
But anyway, for what is the minimap in the Train GUI useful, if I can't use it to navigate to the stations I want to assign to the route and get their name from it?
I find it useful when I forgot to add a train refueling station to one of my rail depots.
"Now why isn't that train showing up?"
Checks picture
"Why is it sitting on that track behind all those other trains?"
"Oh. the first one is out of fuel. Time to quit killing biters and refuel it."