you can craft (manually or automatically) red or green wire (choose one),
then connect it chest by chest to each of the 24, then connect it to an electric pole (it is util 'cause on mouseover you can see all the signals it's receiving at the momento on both signals).
You can use those sgnals how you want.
In your example:
You have a station (24 chests) full of iron plates connected to red wire circuit network.
This network is reading content of the chests, so for example you have a full station, signaling something like 115,2k Iron Plate.
Connect the red wire from that circuit to a sound speaker, and set it to emit an alarm with a circuit network condition, say "IronPlate < 5000".
It will sound when the station is "low".
- You can connect it to a lamp, and say "active when IronPlate >= 115000" .
- You can connect it to the station itself, and say "activate when IronPlate <5000". ("The station need supply delivery")
- You can connect it to the station itself, configure it to "send signal to train",
and schedule the train at this stop with a condition based on the circuit network input, like "Empty wagon OR (circuitNetwok)IronPlate >=55000).
It will drop the necessary items and then proceed to the next station.
Next level then is to combine these signals in combinators to have logic conditions and abstract signals.
I've been playing factorio since its first steam release (i think v0.12).And I started to use circuitry just now in the last 2 games i'm running.
In my opinion it is the most complex thing in the game (like redstone in minecraft) it is the basic concept of a boolean logic.
With the right knowloedge it could turn in something shocking (
I like to is it in the minimal form when it is actually helpful.
Balancing stations, balancing chests, readind contents of important products...
You should experiment it by yourself looking maybe for your particular need in the wiki.