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Distributing Repair Packs via Logistics Network

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:05 pm
by Turtle
Hi all!

I've been trying to figure out how to distribute repair packs to roboports with logistics chests. But I don't want want the roboports completely full of them (I'm messing around with a huge base completely covered with roboports - every inch is covered by the logistics network with no overlap... 170 roboports so far lol).

50 repair packs in each roboport.

Assembly Machine -> Smart inserter with condition < 50 repair packs -> Storage chest -> Requester chest requesting 50 repair packs -> Roboport

Roboport is filled to max with repair packs and requester chest has 50 repair packs.

The problem:
When bots go out to repair walls, roboports are refilled from requester chest and requester chest requests more repair packs. When bots return from repairs, unused repair packs are returned to storage chests where they are being made.

There's probably no way to stop the system from filling the roboports to max, which is fine. But I'd like to see if there's a way to minimize the much unneeded travel to the storage chest to drop off unused repair packs. If they're going to do that, there's no point to trying to do this! Ok, so let's change the goal. We can't change it to just filling roboports with repair packs cause they're already doing that. So let's change the system.

New Goal:
Get repair packs near roboports for bots to use. Then bots can store unused repair packs in roboports for future use.

Assembly Machine -> Smart inserter with condition < 50 repair packs -> Storage chest -> Requester chest near roboports requesting 50 repair packs

Roboport has zero repair packs and requester chest has 50. When bots need to repair, they go clear across the map to grab some repair packs from the storage chest at the assembly machine.

The Problem:
Bots are going clear across the map to grab repair packs when there are 50 near them. Again, no point in doing this!

So the new goal seems more realistic, right? So let's try changing the distribution.

Assembly Machine -> Smart inserter with condition < 50 repair packs -> Storage chest -> Requester chest near roboports requesting 50 repair packs -> Inserter -> Storage chests limited to a stack using the x at the bottom right.

Bots will deliver to requester chest, which will be instered into the storage chest. Those new repair packs will be picked up and delivered to the requester chest, which will be inserted into the storage chest, which will be picked up and delivered to the requester chest, which will be inserted into the storage chest, which will be picked up and delivered to the requester chest, which will be inserted into the storage chest, which will... you get the idea.

So I said, "Screw it!" and had given up on it. Then I decided to play with landmines. Fun! So I realized bots will replace landmines if they're triggered and explode. Sweet! Now how do I get landmines distributed for easy access?

Re: Distributing Repair Packs via Logistics Network

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:37 pm
by Robbedem
It seems the logistic network still needs a bit of finetuning. ;)

Re: Distributing Repair Packs via Logistics Network

Posted: Thu Jul 03, 2014 11:09 pm
by Thourion
Yeah, i just had that same idea/problem myself yesterday.
What happens if you :
A) make the repair packs somewhere.
B) Use a requester chest near the Port, set to 50, and also limited with the X for just one stack.
C) Use normal inserter to fill the port, and 2 fast ones to empty the port, 1 places to ground 2 tiles from the chest, and 1 fills the chest from ground.

If the production is somewhat further from the ports, the bots will not have time to fill the requester chest. The port will stay at around 50 most of the time.

Well its a bit messy that way, since some bots will always activate, trying to fill the requester. And of course i dunno whats gonna happen if for example, the repair bot that went out for repair, comes back and has no space to put the thingy away...oooh the humanity.
And yeah whatever, in the end having fun with landmines and stuff is way better to spend the time lol

Heres hoping to the inclusion of the limiting X, in Roboports slots

Re: Distributing Repair Packs via Logistics Network

Posted: Fri Jul 04, 2014 8:02 pm
by Lee_newsum
the best way to do this is the over way round.
brack off the outer Roboports (walls/defense) in to there groups of 4 Roboports or so.
if mane/home Logistic network next (Requester chest(in home Logistic network )> Inserter > Storage chest(in defense groups of 4 Roboports ) and limit to 1 stack ) do not put into the Roboports
if you ned more chat on my TS3 see sig

Re: Distributing Repair Packs via Logistics Network

Posted: Sat Jul 05, 2014 1:55 am
by Turtle
Lee_newsum wrote:the best way to do this is the over way round.
brack off the outer Roboports (walls/defense) in to there groups of 4 Roboports or so.
if mane/home Logistic network next (Requester chest(in home Logistic network )> Inserter > Storage chest(in defense groups of 4 Roboports ) and limit to 1 stack ) do not put into the Roboports
if you ned more chat on my TS3 see sig
I think I see what you mean, but that would mean breaking off the LogNet. I want to keep it all one LogNet so I can expand easily.