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Train wait position

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 11:06 am
by Trascher
on my server, I'm actually building a trainsystem with a trainstation for every ressource.

Now I'm thinking about ... how can I tell my oiltrains that they have to wait at position XYZ if my trainstation is in using :?:
Because we transport with every train 1200 full barrels. And every train have to go with 1200 empty barrels. But if a train is still waiting for the empty barrels, the other oiltrains blocking our mainrails. So I will build a "parking area"

Thanks for help

Re: Train wait position

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:02 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
I'll be honest, I can't really work out what you're asking for.

Can you provide a screenshot of what the problem is?

Re: Train wait position

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 12:53 pm
by walljaik
u cant, well u can use chain signals so your parking lane would know there is a train in the depot so will stay red till train can go.

Re: Train wait position

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 2:46 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Best guess is you're looking to set up some waiting bays...


The dots are Signals, ideally you need more waiting bays than trains so they don't back up over your main line.

This is what it looks like when implemented (but don't copy the signals):
Waiting Bays
This is the only waiting bay image I could find (from viewtopic.php?f=18&t=34321), just copy the signals from the first image and it'll work.

Re: Train wait position

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:34 am
by DRY411S
Trascher wrote:Hello,
on my server, I'm actually building a trainsystem with a trainstation for every ressource.

Now I'm thinking about ... how can I tell my oiltrains that they have to wait at position XYZ if my trainstation is in using :?:
Because we transport with every train 1200 full barrels. And every train have to go with 1200 empty barrels. But if a train is still waiting for the empty barrels, the other oiltrains blocking our mainrails. So I will build a "parking area"

Thanks for help
What deadly-bagel said ^^^

The secret here is always to make sure that there is an unloading/loading 'stacking' area where trains can queue away from the main line. You need to make sure that the (un)loading station + stacking slots is always greater than or equal to the number for trains that have the (un)loading station as a destination.

In your words, you don't need to make XYZ an actual destination, just make sure that there are many different paths through your stacker, to your unload/load station, with signals isolating each stack.