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Did I begin this bus right?

Posted: Mon Dec 26, 2016 5:11 pm
by MicFac
I bought the game about 6 weeks ago and I started a new world a few days ago. This is the first world where I used multiple belts of resources from the beginning of the game. I wanted to know if I used all of the splitters right and if I built everything correctly so that it can have a high throughput. So here is a picture of my bus:
So feel free to tell me some tips and tricks and help me fix things that I have done wrong :)
Sorry for my english, it isn't my native language.

Re: Did I begin this bus right?

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2016 1:18 pm
by ChurchOrganist
Looks OK to me.

I would say 4 belts each of copper and iron is overkill at this early stage of the game.

You are better to use 2 belts each and leave space for more should you require them later - as once you have access to bots you may decide to go for more bot-based builds, rather than continue to use belts, particularly if you have space issues.