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How to use wires on total inventory count

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:00 pm
by mrudi
I want to control inserter based on my total inventory count, not just the depositing chest. I know the roboport can transimit the inventory of the network but how do I set it up? Does the inserter have to be wired to a roboport?

Re: How to use wires on total inventory count

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2016 8:56 pm
by Mehve
Yeah, just hook a circuit wire from the inserter to the circuit network, and make sure the roboport is set to "Read Logistic Network Contents". It doesn't have to be a direct inserter->roboport connection, as long as the wire/colour is attached to an actual roboport somewhere. Fair warning, if there are multiple roboports linked together, you'll get EVERYTHING in their collective range, not just the roboport you connected to.

Re: How to use wires on total inventory count

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 2:58 am
by kingarthur
if your wanting it to work based on the logistics network you can also activate that on the inserter without wiring it to anything if its in the orange logistics area of a roboport

Re: How to use wires on total inventory count

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 4:07 am
by Mehve
I've been playing how long, and never once noticed that little checkbox marked "connect" until now. Mind=blown.

I stand corrected, just click on the tiny logistics network box in the upper right corner of the inserter status window, and check the "connect" box.