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Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the game

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:44 am
by SKGKyle
Hey I just started a Factorio world with a lot of the stuff set on Big except well water and enemy bases and some other things but it seems I have a problem

I get a constant flow of FPS for a little bit but then it freezes the game ( Like when you pause a game ) and drops to 35 FPS from 60 FPS I have no clue why but every 10 seconds this happens I have never had a problem with this game until today ( I Re-installed it today but played it a lot before ) I can't play this game at all because of this I mean it's not fun doing things for 10 seconds then the game pausing and having to wait 3 seconds to get back to normal!

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 12:44 am
by SKGKyle
Just tested it on a normal world and it does the exact same thing drop down to 35 FPS

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:23 am
by BenWo
Sounds a little like you might have used up your RAM and the system is using the pagefile on the hard drive. Check on your RAM usage or post your system specs.

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 12:18 am
by SKGKyle
I tried playing it today to check the RAM usage but well it worked fine today :S

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 1:00 pm
by GewaltSam
I don't know how often the "stopping" happens, but that could be the autosave. Try deactivating that (to test it, at least). I at least turned the frequency down a little bit. A save all five minutes is enough IMO :)

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 4:48 pm
by SKGKyle
Trust me it wasn't auto save I had no save files and my auto save is set every 10 minutes, It was an actual stop in the game like everything stopped working then it came back but It's fine now.. I don't know why it did it but I'm thankful that it's gone

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 6:55 pm
by just_dont
Likely you were running another application -- it either being heavy on CPU cycles, or memory usage, or HDD usage -- everything would lead to slowdowns in Factorio if your computer is not powerful/fast enough to offset that.

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Mon May 12, 2014 8:23 pm
by robhol
I have the same thing, and it's not CPU or RAM exhaustion. I've yet to actually *time* the frequency, though.

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Tue May 13, 2014 6:32 am
by SilverWarior
There were similar problems reported in the past. You can read more about them here: ... f=7&t=2454
The probable causes for this are:
- automatic chunk generation. This could be recognized by cnstant CPU spikes.
- your computer stores Factorio graphics in System GPU Memory (shared RAM) instead of Dedicated GPU memory (actual graphical memory of your graphic card). This could result in much lower FPS since reading graphics from RAM is much slower due the need for data to be moved through RAM memory controller.

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:05 am
by SKGKyle
just_dont wrote:Likely you were running another application -- it either being heavy on CPU cycles, or memory usage, or HDD usage -- everything would lead to slowdowns in Factorio if your computer is not powerful/fast enough to offset that.
I was using less then 70% of my CPU and less then 50% of my RAM..

Re: Dropping over 25 FPS and also constant stopping of the g

Posted: Thu May 15, 2014 7:07 am
by SKGKyle
SilverWarior wrote:There were similar problems reported in the past. You can read more about them here: ... f=7&t=2454
The probable causes for this are:
- automatic chunk generation. This could be recognized by cnstant CPU spikes.
- your computer stores Factorio graphics in System GPU Memory (shared RAM) instead of Dedicated GPU memory (actual graphical memory of your graphic card). This could result in much lower FPS since reading graphics from RAM is much slower due the need for data to be moved through RAM memory controller.
Could of been the chunk generation but doesn't explain why closing the game then opening it fixes it.. The game didn't just drop FPS it literally stopped the game