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I have paid but I can't download?

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 2:02 pm
by filthyfox
Hey guys I wonder if anyone could help me? so I paid for the game through paypal and upgraded my account but when I go to download the 0.9.8 Alpha version of the game it takes a long time to pop up but when it does it just says Save, Save As or Cancel but when I try save or save as it wont let me do neither of them so if somebody could help me it would be much appreciated thanks. :)

Re: I have paid but I can't download?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 4:13 am
by BenWo
Possibly try a different browser.

Not sure where you live or what your connection is like but the game download did seem a bit slower.

Re: I have paid but I can't download?

Posted: Sun May 11, 2014 5:56 pm
by filthyfox
IT WORKED!!! Thankyou ;)