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Why the existing WIKI ist not properly maintained?

Posted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:21 am
by brunzenstein
This excellent and truly attractive page is:

1.) not easily to found - should be on page 1 in capital letters
2.) not well kept
3.) forgotten rotting in its cradle
4.) crying for opening to the public to maintain

Please consider spending a little time to polish this hidden guardian angel and prepare the ground.
Dedicated users (Madzuri, Xterminator. e.g.) will be more then willing to take over the heavy lifting

Re: Why the existing WIKI ist not properly maintained?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 3:58 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
The only problem is this game is still in alpha and everything is constantly changing. For example we could have done a huge article on the new train wait conditions only they released an update last week that completely changed the order it was all processed in.

What about the next update, 0.15? The amount of stuff going into it, seems like it's going to be even bigger than 0.13 and we still don't know if they're going to balance weapons and combat, or exactly how much they're putting into the circuit network. What is the point in putting so much time and detail in to the wiki only to have to rewrite it in a month?

Once 1.0 is released I'll personally be slamming it with updated information and grammar fixes.

Re: Why the existing WIKI ist not properly maintained?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:43 pm
by xyzyxx
What is the point in putting so much time and detail in to the wiki only to have to rewrite it in a month?
Such trivialities have never stood in the way of wiki editors before. The fact is the wiki is right now not up to date, and it could be if editors were allowed in.

Re: Why the existing WIKI ist not properly maintained?

Posted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:40 pm
by Deadly-Bagel
Huh, I didn't realise it was locked for editing. Cross that when we come to it I guess.

Re: Why the existing WIKI ist not properly maintained?

Posted: Fri Sep 09, 2016 7:16 pm
by siggboy
xyzyxx wrote:The fact is the wiki is right now not up to date, and it could be if editors were allowed in.
You can edit, you just have to apply for an account here (I think it's on the wiki sub-forum).

The actual reason why the wiki is not maintained is because there are not enough people who want to maintain it. Complaining about it not being maintained is silly, because the answer would be to start helping to maintain it yourself. As with any wiki which does not have professional staff maintaining it.

I guess the player base of actual "hard core" players is just too small in Factorio to have a really good wiki. It's a lot of work and not many are ready to put in that kind of work.