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Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:53 am
by Gazelle
Is it possible to increase the walk speed besides using other objects like stone floors/belts/trains ? So I want to have a fast walking speed from the beginning of the game, as I find it boring to walk around a lot when I am setting up a large base. Is there a command for this? Or a simple mod that only changes this? I have seen some mods which increase the walking speed, but they also introduce other changes I don't like.

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 6:56 am
by Supercheese

Code: Select all

data.raw.player.player.running_speed = 1
Simple as that. Of course, this is in data.lua, which is in your mod folder... see: ... g_Tutorial

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:51 am
by DaveMcW
You didn't mention exoskeletons, have you tried them yet?
Exoskeletons at the start

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:30 pm
by Gazelle

I tried your line of code in an new data.lua file in a seperate folder inside the mods folder, but then my factorio did not startup anymore. Do I really have to get into lua in order to get this to work? Because it seems that you can't simply put that line of code in a file and let it figure it out themselves. Or do I have to put it in a function? I have a lot of programming experience in Java, so it's not that programming is new for me, but I thought it would maybe be easier for such a simple thing. But it's not right? Or am I missing something?


No, I have not tried exoskeletons. I have to say that I haven't completed a game till the end yet, because I often restart when I learn new things on the internet about the game. I am still a bit of a beginner, but more an "intermediate beginner". But anyway, thanks! I will try it out now or tomorrow.

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 5:51 pm
by prg
Gazelle wrote:@Supercheese

I tried your line of code in an new data.lua file in a seperate folder inside the mods folder, but then my factorio did not startup anymore. Do I really have to get into lua in order to get this to work? Because it seems that you can't simply put that line of code in a file and let it figure it out themselves. Or do I have to put it in a function? I have a lot of programming experience in Java, so it's not that programming is new for me, but I thought it would maybe be easier for such a simple thing. But it's not right? Or am I missing something?
If the game doesn't start anymore, you should get some kind of message telling you what's up. Getting this to work should really be as simple as putting that one line into a data(-updates).lua (next to a proper info.json)

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 7:53 pm
by Gazelle
I created a folder named "fastwalkingmod" and created the files:"control.lua", "data.lua" and "info.json".

control.lua is empty
data.lua contains the line "data.raw.player.player.running_speed = 1"
info.json is a copy of the tutorial example from ... g_Tutorial but then I changed the name to "fastwalkingmod"

Factorio doesn't start. The message is something like: "JSON parser error in package metadata: /.../../factorio/mods/fastwalkingmod/info.json(2): expected value"

Do you know what could be wrong? In the mods folder I already have another working mod, so my "fastwalkingmod" has its own folder in the correct Factorio mods folder.

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 8:03 pm
by prg
Sounds like a syntax error in the info.json, just paste the whole file here. Also the directory name needs to contain the version number of the mod or this would cause a different error later on.

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 6:55 am
by Gazelle
Thank you all very much! I got it working. My character is running very fast now. Great. :-)

I opened the info.json in another text editor (for Tex files...) and that was showing some weird characters. So apparently, there were some strange characters which where invisible in the default OSX text editor. Removing these strange characters solved the problem.

What is the range of this variable? I thought 1 would be the original value in the base game, but it turns out that setting it to 1 makes your character move really, really fast. A bit slower wouldn't be bad if that is possible.

But nevertheless, I am already happy that its working, because I got really bored because of the slow movement. Now I can enjoy the game again.

Re: Increasing walk speed?

Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2016 9:01 am
by Supercheese
Gazelle wrote:Thank you all very much! I got it working. My character is running very fast now. Great. :-)

I opened the info.json in another text editor (for Tex files...) and that was showing some weird characters. So apparently, there were some strange characters which where invisible in the default OSX text editor. Removing these strange characters solved the problem.

What is the range of this variable? I thought 1 would be the original value in the base game, but it turns out that setting it to 1 makes your character move really, really fast. A bit slower wouldn't be bad if that is possible.

But nevertheless, I am already happy that its working, because I got really bored because of the slow movement. Now I can enjoy the game again.
The default value is 0.15. So even changing it to 0.5 would be a large increase in run speed.