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Long distance travel ... not a stright line?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 3:02 am
by goku90504
okay wanting to know how fast I could get the tank I cleared a section of forest to a waters edge then got my tank between two minor base sections that ran the other direction and backed up to the waters edge I did this so that when I went forward with the tank I'd go through the opening between the two sections but when I came back my path had shifted vertically and I ran right through the radar and into the roboport behind it rather than the blank space below them like I had intended ... what happened? at no time did I hit anything other than "w" or "s" after getting lined up in the blank section between the two base segments

Re: Long distance travel ... not a stright line?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 10:43 am
by Peter34
Your Tank might not in fact have been driving at an exact 90/180/270/360 degrees angle, but very slightly off. It can be hard to see sometimes. Try hitting F4 and then using the debut interface to enable the grid.

Another possible explanation is that your tank ran over some Trees or something along the way. I don't know that that can't cause the Tank to shift sideways a bit (but without turning, I'm sure).

Re: Long distance travel ... not a stright line?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:05 pm
by ccik
Did you drive over any conveyor belt? If so, that's why the tank shifted.

Re: Long distance travel ... not a stright line?

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2015 4:24 pm
by goku90504
no conveyer it was a large patch of wild terrain that I'd cleared a path of tree's by going back and forthwith the tank a few times previously an the base segments in question were just some power towers roboports and a radar part of a chain connecting two larger bases but no conveyer or anything else like that out there