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Linking Logistic Network and Combiantors

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 6:28 pm
by Saira
Hey guys !

I'm playing to Factorio for a while now, about 140h in my first save, and with the new combinators I was reeally happy to be able to combine them to my logistic Network.

I tried to get the value of my logistic networks (with a looooot of storage chests) but I never got it ...

I did some things with the combinators but just stuff with random signals and not them from my logistic network.

I saw that I can link all my storage chest together and to electric network too, but honnestly there is so many. That's not a solution.

So there is my question : Is there a way to get all the value from a logistic network without putting a cable between all of them ? This value exists somewhere cause we can see it in the Logistic Network ...

Hope someone can help me \0/ That would be really nice !

Thanks !

Saira, France =)

Re: Linking Logistic Network and Combiantors

Posted: Wed Jul 22, 2015 7:35 pm
by Sander Buruma
no, logistics network cant feed into combinators with or without, the chests that feed signals to the logistics network, can also provide signals to a combinator/circuit network if they are connected through cables.