Ok, it seems I got some insights into the logic. Let's put it this way signals based on the current trip go this way
= 1 When you travel from this planet
= 2 When you travel to this planet
= 3 When you are stationary
so if you send the ship by clicking the button on the route planner with no other mission after
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The ship will stay stationary on this planet which would send signal of
= 3. In this case my logic would work and trigger the interrupt once it arrives.
If the ship was sent to the planet by another interrupt the nested interrupt checking the circuit condition will trigger after the waiting condition finishes, I really thought this would trigger during the interrupt if you have on the option can interrupt nested interruptions. But still, this behavior is a bit weird in my experience.
When a ship is already traveling to another planet the interrupt will not trigger so things like checking for
= 1 or even
= 2 will have no effect.
Additionally, the game behaves differently if you click the X on the mission or in the logic checker
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If you click on the X of the mission the mission will be skipped and the game will not check for more interrupts and it will go directly to next mission.
If you click on the logic checker it will behave as if the logic checker would be passed and still look for more interrupts.
So basically my testing method was inconsistent leading to not accurate results. Hope this help ppl wanting to automate stations and interrupts.
for now, just checking when the ship is on a planet kind of works (maybe tomorrow I find I was totally wrong). since the objective is to have x amount of the objects, the extra condition I was checking there was not necessary even so, technically should work
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Have a nice one