mmmPI wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:29 pm
My point is that you get all the math and curves telling you there's nothing magical about 40% x)
Not saying it is "magical". But it seems like it is the area the devs balanced the "100% base line" for fuel consumption around.
It is the point where you have about 100% fuel consumption, but get about 75% thrust.
Just looked into the game and the exact value is actually 43% fuel capacity and not 40%. 43% is where you get 100% fuel consumption and 75% thrust. It seems to be where the orange and the green graph intersect in-game.
With 75% fuel capacity, sure you may get 100% thrust, but you also increase the fuel consumption all the way up to 186%.
Sounds menacingly inefficient, but as said, if you have sooo much fuel that you don't care, well then screw it. Fill the thrusters up to 75% capacity.
I think another good trade-off spot is actually 50% capacity. That is where you get 84% thrust and 119% fuel consumption. Kinda somewhat where both values are almost "equally off" of an optimal 100% and might be also something to settle on if you value both thrust and fuel consumption equally.
Hypothetically to maximize fuel efficiency but still get lots of power out of it you could for example when deliveirng SPs from Gleba to Nauvis ramp it all up to 75% or even 100%, and on the way from Nauvis back to Gleba... let it recover in "eco" mode because it will probably have to wait for packs to be ready to be shipped anyway ^^
Anyway an interesting topic that will probably keep people busy in the long run. ^^
mmmPI wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:29 pm
Some people build ship that do loop around all the planet, and add a planet when they unlock it, other people make ships that do only 1 planet and add ship when they unlock planets.
Yea, different people like different playstyles. Me for example I like point-to-point connections for the science packs. Less waiting for stuff to be delivered. ^^
mmmPI wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:29 pm
The speed you need/ want and the size of your ship(s) can vary a LOT, it just happened to work for you given the particular ship you have but change the level of physical damage research and you need a different amount of iron versus ice in your ship, and wether or not you use reprocessing, and wether or not you have asteroid productivity research those also matter , same if you use foundries or modules or red ammos on your platform, all of those have an impact on the ressources you have that are at least as much important as the fuel efficiency imo regarding uptime/downtime in early game.
Well, the various chunk processing techniques and whatnot only change how much fuel you can produce for a given amount of chunks; and thereby how many thrusters you can sustain in a reasonable fashion as a side effect. ^^
But it changes nothing about the fact that working thrusters with higher fill levels makes them consume dis-proportionally more fuel in the first place only for a diminishing amount more of thrust.
mmmPI wrote: ↑Sat Nov 02, 2024 8:29 pm
But really when you build a ship, you don't know for sure the final weight, you know however the number of thruster, that's coming way before in the process of making the ship, if you don't know the number of thruster you can't dimension your fuel production, and your crushers and so on, you need to have an idea quite early in the process.
Knowing the number of thrusters allows you a maximum weight to still be able to travel on time for spoilables. Otherwise you need to account for the couple weight/capacity. Because a slower ship due to more weight may not be problematic if it can carry more material. To maintain the same throughput overall.
But judging from the calculations that people implemented in desmos, the weight of a platform pretty much does not matter at all for the top speed it can reach.
It is just involved in the acceleration phase and determines how long it takes the platform to the top speed. But from changing the mass in the desmos calcs I get the feeling that a platform with 5 thrusters that weighs 200 tons reaches the same top speed eventually as a platform with 500tons. (given they have the same width).
However the acceleration phase can become a significant part of the trip though; that probably takes some more investigation how long it actually takes to get to another planet with a certain speed and how much of it is dedicated to accelerating the platform to that speed. Because if it becomes a significant part of the travel time then it is better to add a couple more thrusters to get it up to top speed faster.
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While writing I did some more tests. And yea can confirm. The desmos calculations are correct. This one:
Mass does not matter for the max speed at all.
Just added several tons more platform foundations onto one of my ships, accelerated and it got to the same top speed as it did without that additional mass. Probably just took a tiny amount more time to accelerate, but otherwise same speed. ^^
For the acceleration calculations the mass is part of the denominator and a value of 10000 gets summed to it. So a platform of 1000 tons would still only barely make the platform accelerate slower than a platform with 200 tons. It would only really start get noticeable if you try to approach the 10000 tons where it would start to become a major part of the denominator. ^^
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So now that I had some more time I did some more testing with the calculator, entering lots of different thruster configurations since it seems to be pretty accurately reflect the numbers I also get in-game.
My observation from toying with the calculation is... funnily enough... you cannot really increase the top speed of platforms by all that much. Only a single digits km/s with every thruster.
That is unless you use quality thrusters. Those are the only ones that allow you to get even higher top speeds. So if you want to decrease the travel time of your platforms there is no way around crafting higher quality thrusters. (so much for "quality is optional" xD)
The formula seems to develop that way because for every thruster you add, you have to increase the total width of the platform by another 4 tiles since otherwise you cannot fit them (I saw some ways where some people did multiple rows already, but I will leave those out for now).
And those 4 additional tiles of width for each thruster reduce the top speed thanks to how they are factored into the formula. It pretty much almost cancels out the additional top speed gain from the thruster you place on it. As said it barely increases the top speed by a few km/s with with every thruster.
I think they did the formula that way on purpose to give incentive to craft higher quality thrusters.
But the final straw and why going for more thrusters is not really worth it is that the few km/s in top speed you get, are bought through the ridiculous amount of higher fuel consumption from the additional amount of thrusters that you would need to sustain.
It also means that in return is you will have to place dis-proportionally more chem plants to refine even more fuel to make up for it as well and that just takes up even more space on the platform. And all that for no good reason since you don't get anything out of it anyway.
In other words... from my tests I feel like it never pays off to place more thrusters beyond a certain amount:
(I assume that the thrusters are placed directly next to each other without gaps and 1 tile to the left most and 1 tile to right most thruster that are necessary to get the pipes for fuel in, so that is the "+2" with the tiles.)
1 to 2 thrusters (at least 8+2 tiles width respectively) is definitely much too less. There you are still far off the possible top-speed "limit".
3 to 4 thrusters (at least 12+2 or 16+2 tiles width) already gets pretty close to the "wall" of speed increase.
With 5 thrusters (at least 20+2 tiles width) you definitely hit the wall in speed increase already.
I looked at more thrusters, but it became obvious that the Factorio Gods frown if you make the platform any wider than those 5 thrusters. You get almost no speed increase in return even if you would place more thrusters. More than that are pointless. You are just burning fuel like there is no tomorrow. You are only battling against the width of the platform at that point and you could avoid that altogether if you just don't make the platform wider than 5 thrusters.
If one wants to go faster than that, then swapping them all out for quality ones is the only way.
Alternatively if one does not care about top-speed the quality thrusters would allow one to make wider platforms.
And obviously if you go further out in the solar system where you can make lots of fuel it might also not matter at all. ^^
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