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Has the best order to make science packs changed?
Posted: Sat Oct 26, 2024 6:48 am
by NotRexButCaesar
In previous versions, I always researched utility science pack first because I wanted logistic network, and then production science pack afterward for things like assembler mk 3 & express belts. In this space age, logistic network uses space science instead of utility science, so utility science is mostly for military and personal equipment. This makes it seem like the best order to make science packs is either production, space, utility, or space, production, utility. Does anyone else think so, or is it only me because I care more about logistic network than personal equipment and military upgrades?
Re: Has the best order to make science packs changed?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:18 pm
by EustaceCS
Depends on your real goals.
As most entry-level repeatable researches don't require space science anymore, white packs can wait. UNLESS you, like me, can't do thing without colossal logi network. Especially since white science packs will currently compete with free iron and free fuel (carbon) for drop slots currently...
Biters feel more aggressive in Space Age. You might consider committing into black packs production early. Rushing artillery is not an option anymore. So you'll have to make things close and personal eventually.
Personal equipment... don't seem to matter as much. Not because it sucks (it actually doesn't). But... You see, you have better applications for blue circuits and electric engines in early game now... and blitz-built turrets still excel in early game. Personal roboport is a thing to consider now though...
Re: Has the best order to make science packs changed?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 2:40 pm
by MeduSalem
Yea, the the order changed a little for me. Previously I also used to rush for Utility SP.
EustaceCS wrote: Sun Oct 27, 2024 1:18 pm
As most entry-level repeatable researches don't require space science anymore, white packs can wait. UNLESS you, like me, can't do thing without colossal logi network.
Exactly for this reason. Because I usually also tend to rush Logistic bot stuff because I cannot stand the belt madness for everything after a while. ^^
But with Space Age I kinda did Production Science Pack before Utility Science Pack. At least that is the order how I chronologically put the departments down in my bus. But I cannot say exactly anymore why I made that decision to go for Production SP first a few days ago. xD
Probably because I noticed that rushing for logi stuff was weird because of the space science requirement and me not yet ready to launch rockets or build a platform. And because I already had electric furnace production set up I thought "well, why not go for Production SP".
Probably seemed like the path of least resistance to go forward.
Re: Has the best order to make science packs changed?
Posted: Sun Oct 27, 2024 3:48 pm
by EustaceCS
So, we're in the same boat here.
Maybe I'll be able to save you some time by a short story on how I ruined my 58 hours savegame and how am I planning to avoid doing same mistakes.
I've tried to get everything on Navius from single space platform.
It didn't worked and ~20 (out of 58) hours spent dealing with consequences were futile since my two-digit IQ is, apparently, not enough to set proper circuit network up BOTH on ground and in the sky to force shipping to be made in reasonable batches.
End of story.
As for nearest few months "1 space platform : 1 planet : 1 product shipped" ratio seems to be the only way which will not cause us humanitarians to pop blood vessels in inappropriate places, it's worth pre-planning next attempt with this stuff in mind.
1. White packs ARE worth rushing. But better logi chests and 1 (one) planet destination (and Thrusters, by extent) are the ONLY things these are worth getting for. T2 modules can or cannot wait - these can be researched while you're doing next step.
2. Early space platforms offer iron ore, white science packs and (very burnable) carbon (which is useless otherwise on Navius).
As white science packs won't be necessary in near future, and since Nauvis already have infinite fuel source in a form of Oil, it is worth:
2.1. Reconfiguring science space platform into iron ore shipment machine and
2.2. Securing more oil fields early on. Which, depending on how much RNG hates you, might need preliminary black science packs researches. Remember! No artillery until mid game!
3. And only then, after you ensured infinite Iron Plates (and Steel) production from space and steady flow of fuel and chemistry components from Nauvis and amassed significant buffer of these, comes time to pick between yellows and purples.
Since Nauivs > anywhere platform shall need metric ton of everything to boot anyway, you'll have enough time to get both science packs and everything else.
And once you'll make it to next planet, you'll be able to re-establish white science packs production there on its dedicated platform. Temporarily, as with Nauvis, unless your #2 planet is Gleba. Gleba is primary candidate for permanent white packs manufacturing...
What else am I missing...
Black science packs MIGHT wait until post-white.
I've managed to sneak some pipes and a bunch of pre-loaded turrens to oil wells hidden in lush forest so no bug attacks happened there and whatever stray settle parties wandered around were dealt with without military pack researches.
Aggro range is really finicky now so stealth IS an option.