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Efficiently tearing down logistics networks

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:27 pm
by ehs
I have a recurring problem with outposts. When they run dry, and I want to tear them down, deconstructing the local logistics network becomes a hassle.

Getting rid of the outpost machinery works fine: I use a deconstruction planner with all logistic- and power-related-structures blacklisted. Once the bots finish that job, though, if I issue the obvious "deconstruct everything else" order (omitting a small staging area around the station), any number of things can go wrong. Maybe the order of roboport removals splits the local network. Maybe roboports get depowered before removal in ways that muck something up. If I use another blacklist to leave power alone until after the roboports, maybe the furthest power poles end up outside the remaining network range.

So far, I've dealt with this mostly by minimizing outpost size (e.g. no on-site processing even when it would otherwise make sense), or by deconstructing the network in small stages, starting from the outer edge. That is tedious and requires repeated attention, though.

I feel like there must be a better way, but haven't found one. Any suggestions?

Re: Efficiently tearing down logistics networks

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 12:05 am
by astroshak
Be more selective. Deconstruct the ports in order, furthest from the clearing train stop first. When you are down to the power grid and that last port, deconstruct the power grid (take advantage of whatever power is left) then send in a spidertron to clear the rest.

It’s more labor-intensive than I think you wanted, but it’s all I can come up with.

Re: Efficiently tearing down logistics networks

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2024 5:32 am
by Khagan
ehs wrote:
Mon Jan 08, 2024 9:27 pm
I feel like there must be a better way, but haven't found one. Any suggestions?
Probably not quite what you are after, but once everything except the power poles and roboports is gone, you could finish with a quick visit from either your personal conbots or a spider.