Coal liquefaction statistics
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2022 12:18 am
Hi guys,
I read the first couple of search results - as asked in the intro post prior to posting here now - , but nothing as to what i describe here
and forgive me if i didn't post in the correct Forum - essentially because i am not sure if it is a bug or not.
Please Help me understand the statistics tab. I did a test with Map editor. Please see screenshot "fluid statistics"
I was testing for coal liquefaction.
Recipe is:
Heavy Oil: 780/m = 13/sec.
Petrolium: 120/m = 2/sec.
Light Oil : 240/m = 4/sec.
The Light Oil and Petrolium statistics are correct - 4LO/s and 2PET/s- No problem here,but
Question why does the statistics for fluid production show for Heavy Oil 780/m or 13/sec,
when it should be 1080/m or 18/sec?
I do understand that coal liquefaction consumes 5HO/s and that the value i read of 780/m
is 1080HO/m - 300HO/m (the consumption!), but to me this is wrong.
I should read under Production
Heavy Oil 1080/m = 18/sec (and not 780/m)
Petrolium 120/m = 2/sec.
Light Oil 240/m = 4/sec.
And under Consumption (I see nothing here ?!)
Heavy Oil 300/m = 5/sec.
Consider also that the coal value is also correct with 120/m AND it shows up correctly
under consumption. Coal, steam AND HO get all consumed
I didnt want to stop, and made a follow up test - see screenshot "fluid statistics_part 2" (please ignore lube and solid fuel chem plants)
So i Asked myself: - is it only a statistics/GUI issue or what does the Refinery really produce -
780/m or 1080/m - Ohh Lord?!
Setup: put the Heavy Oil produced form the refinery into barrels and put the barrels and then back again into the Refinery
and see how many barrels are needed/produced to make up with the production/consumption of the Refinery
Well the stats show:
21.6/m barrels produced - A barrel contains 50 Heavy Oil so 21.6x50 = 1080/m - Great!
Summa Summarum:
If I produce 21.6/m barrels a minute which each contain 50 Heavy Oil , then i also produce
1080 Heavy Oil a minute...exactly what i _would_ expect to see under the stats tab and not
those "strange" 780/m
But since the Devs arent stupid as me...
... i'm sure i did something somewhere wrong and you guys will help me understand...thanks
Great game!
I read the first couple of search results - as asked in the intro post prior to posting here now - , but nothing as to what i describe here
and forgive me if i didn't post in the correct Forum - essentially because i am not sure if it is a bug or not.
Please Help me understand the statistics tab. I did a test with Map editor. Please see screenshot "fluid statistics"
I was testing for coal liquefaction.
Recipe is:
- -------------IN:-----------------------OUT:
- -------------coal--HO---steam-----HO----LO---Pet
- @5sec--------10----25------50-----90-----20----10
- @1sec---------2------5------10-----18------4------2
Heavy Oil: 780/m = 13/sec.
Petrolium: 120/m = 2/sec.
Light Oil : 240/m = 4/sec.
The Light Oil and Petrolium statistics are correct - 4LO/s and 2PET/s- No problem here,but
Question why does the statistics for fluid production show for Heavy Oil 780/m or 13/sec,
when it should be 1080/m or 18/sec?
I do understand that coal liquefaction consumes 5HO/s and that the value i read of 780/m
is 1080HO/m - 300HO/m (the consumption!), but to me this is wrong.
I should read under Production
Heavy Oil 1080/m = 18/sec (and not 780/m)
Petrolium 120/m = 2/sec.
Light Oil 240/m = 4/sec.
And under Consumption (I see nothing here ?!)
Heavy Oil 300/m = 5/sec.
Consider also that the coal value is also correct with 120/m AND it shows up correctly
under consumption. Coal, steam AND HO get all consumed
I didnt want to stop, and made a follow up test - see screenshot "fluid statistics_part 2" (please ignore lube and solid fuel chem plants)
So i Asked myself: - is it only a statistics/GUI issue or what does the Refinery really produce -
780/m or 1080/m - Ohh Lord?!
Setup: put the Heavy Oil produced form the refinery into barrels and put the barrels and then back again into the Refinery
and see how many barrels are needed/produced to make up with the production/consumption of the Refinery
Well the stats show:
21.6/m barrels produced - A barrel contains 50 Heavy Oil so 21.6x50 = 1080/m - Great!
Summa Summarum:
If I produce 21.6/m barrels a minute which each contain 50 Heavy Oil , then i also produce
1080 Heavy Oil a minute...exactly what i _would_ expect to see under the stats tab and not
those "strange" 780/m
But since the Devs arent stupid as me...
... i'm sure i did something somewhere wrong and you guys will help me understand...thanks
Great game!