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How do you all explore the map?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 7:52 am
by Mosesni
it's getting kinda hard to head out now, too many biters make it tedious. i looked for i mod that might give other options but a bit too OP for my taste.
how do you all do it? what methods do you use when the map is red?

Re: How do you all explore the map?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 11:52 am
by JimBarracus
Artillerie range, send some shells in the unknown areas.

Re: How do you all explore the map?

Posted: Thu Sep 29, 2022 12:45 pm
by Tertius
Put radars in the outer reaches and wait until the map has been explored. There are nice tiny self contained radar station blueprints from the forum for this:

Re: How do you all explore the map?

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2022 1:09 am
by ColonelSandersLite
This is the way I generally go about it. Your mileage may vary.

Pre rocket launch, I just push out with the tank or spidertron and use it to clear the area when I want to claim something.

Post rocket launch -
I like to have a certain level of artillery range upgrades. 6 or so. I'll mark on the map where my current artillery coverage and coverage from a new military outpost will just overlap. Then, I'll drive out there with spidertron and clear a path to this point that's just wide enough for bi-directional rail and a power line. I tend to use nukes on the really big nests. The M.I.R.V.s mod specifically. Once I have secured this point, I build a firebase there. Once the firebase is built, military trains with artillery wagons start coming out and laying waste to everything. Rinse and repeat. Once the threat is clear, I'll use a little solar+radar blueprint to get anywhere where there is some black squares.