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Stack amount condtiion for inserters

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:22 pm
by Decafeiner

I am trying to figure out if it is possible to set multiple condition for inserters to read the content of the chest and pick only one type of items that comes on the belt.

I do use a half-half belt for my Laboratories for each science pack. Red/Green, Grey/Blue, Yellow/Purple, and add a buffer steel chest between the inserters and the labs (screenshot example: I am sorting out purple pack issues but it's supposed to be in the Yellow chest).

My fear is (and what is slowly happening) is that chests will, at some point, be filled with Grey science packs and have no more space for Blues.

My goal with this post is to find a way to have the inserers pick greys untill the chest content reaches 2400, and then pick blues only to have it 50/50 balanced.

I experimented with wires and conditions, but when the amount of grey packs reach 2400, the inserter simply stops working ( ).

Now I might have this set completely wrong, or dont grasp the logic system as much as I think I do, both equally possible. (linked the Inserter to the chest: )

Is there a way to filter a specific items to not be picked when it reaches a certain amount, but keep picking whaterver else is present on the belt ?

Thanks !

Re: Stack amount condtiion for inserters

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 6:39 pm
by Loewchen
You can use a filter inserter and a combinator circuit that sets the filter to the item type you have less of in the chest.

Re: Stack amount condtiion for inserters

Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2022 7:06 pm
by Decafeiner
I have never used a combinator :'D not even sure which one of the three type would work...

But thanks ! that would actually work ! now to figure out how this works :lol:

Re: Stack amount condtiion for inserters

Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2022 11:23 pm
by Loewchen
Here is a simple blueprint that does what you want
Ignore the infinity chests, they are just for testing.