Use the status of electricity as input for logics

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Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by Eru_Ascar »


I want to use the electricity (power) as an input for the logics.

So I want to turn on a backup system when electricity production is below a certain percentage. But I do not get the electricity to show up as input for the calculators....

Any sugestions are apreciated!

Thank you a lot!

Best regards, Eru

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Re: Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by Loewchen »

Use the charge of an accumulator as input.

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Re: Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by Zavian »

You can connect accumulators to the circuit network. Then you can turn on backup generators (and/or turn off sections of factory) when ever your accumulators drop too low.

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Re: Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by Serenity »

Make you sure you use an SR-latch for that so you get a hysteresis. Otherwise everything will flicker on and off ... er_version

For steam backup power specifically I don't use a power switch like in that example though. But just switch on the water pumps instead

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Re: Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by Eru_Ascar »


A late "Happy New Year" to you all!

Thank you a lot! That helps me a lot!

Best regards, Eru-Ascar

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Re: Use the status of electricity as input for logics

Post by DFPercush »

Necro posting because this came up in search results. There is a way to detect power instantly (within a couple of frames), without waiting for accumulators to charge. If you use a basic counter circuit (by hooking up an arithmetic combinator's output to its own input along with a constant 1 on the same wire), you can delay that signal through another arithmetic combinator which multiplies by -1. As long as power is applied to the counter, it will stay 1 ahead. However, when it stops counting due to power loss, the signal will remain at a fixed value, and the second combinator will have a chance to catch up and negate it. Those two signals, positive and frame-lagged negative, must be fed on separate colored wires (to avoid oscillation) into a final logic combi which detects [anything > 0]. You can also use [everything <= 0] if you need to detect the off state as well.

Example blueprint string:


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