1 Track with 2 train stops

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1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by Mark100 »

..i actually try to set up but i don't find any information how to set up the train stops. Or maybe i make a mistake with the rails but they seem good connected, but when i drive the train on my own it won't go further in a curve, it has such thick ends on the rails and 1 mm of rail is missing but i don't know how to get this together without that gap. I always get the message saying "no path". On which side of the track do they train-stop-signs have to be, on the right side when looking into the direction i want to go ?

Edit: actually i ran the train from one train stop to the other, the rails are ok, so that cannot be the problem. For sure i set the train stops wrong anyhow, but how is right ?

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by ratchetfreak »

mouse over the train stop and make sure the arrows are in the right direction

things that go beside the track are sensitive to what side they are on

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by Mark100 »

Checked that, the yellow arrows of the stops are pointing into the right direction, but still "no path"

Edit: but i saw in this tutorial video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=idOaZpX8lnA that the guy made 2 nooses at the end of the track. I just made a track and at each and i set up the train stop, maybe this is the problem ?

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by bobucles »

Trains are murrikan; they obey signals on the right handed side of the track. Make sure your track is set up for that. I don't know of any map setting or mod that makes trains work left handed.

Be careful setting up signals for a 2-way rail. All signals should be paired up so the train knows it can go both ways. Generally it's just easier to start the first track without using signals.

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by Mark100 »

I don't use signals, i just have the train stops. But i solved the problem, it was the nooses, now it all works fine, thx for helping

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by Mark100 »

But..what about when i use 2 locomotives and between them a wagon, do i need the nooses then also ?

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Re: 1 Track with 2 train stops

Post by mngrif »

Mark100 wrote:But..what about when i use 2 locomotives and between them a wagon, do i need the nooses then also ?
Nope. It will go between both stops in that configuration without the loops.
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