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balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:07 am
by Nobody
from what i have seen, i believe that the tank is unbalanced.
here are some points:
- fuel usage is too small
- tank resistances should be slightly more
- tank is too fast

as a (technically)end-game vehicle, it seems a bit too powerful.

other than that, i feel like the solid fuel production is sometimes too much. you can create a rather massive factory and yet have solid fuel backed up more than anything else.

these are just my opinions, take them as you feel

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 9:33 am
by quinor
Tank is massively underpowered, when big biters appear it can't do anything while attacking alien bases becouse it gets destroyed nearly instantly. It's not endgame but rather early/midgame vehicle.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:52 pm
by Nobody
psorek wrote:Tank is massively underpowered, when big biters appear it can't do anything while attacking alien bases becouse it gets destroyed nearly instantly. It's not endgame but rather early/midgame vehicle.
tank upgrades?
something along the lines of
- tank speed?
- tank cannon upgrades
- new, better type of ammunition for the cannon?
- tank armour upgrades?

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 12:57 pm
by quinor
I forgot to add, tank will be reworked probably in .12 update.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2015 5:27 pm
by Nobody
oh boy this won't end too well

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Mon May 18, 2015 1:56 pm
by Metonymia
Nobody wrote:from what i have seen, i believe that the tank is unbalanced.
here are some points:
- fuel usage is too small
- tank resistances should be slightly more
- tank is too fast

as a (technically)end-game vehicle, it seems a bit too powerful.

other than that, i feel like the solid fuel production is sometimes too much. you can create a rather massive factory and yet have solid fuel backed up more than anything else.

these are just my opinions, take them as you feel
I do agree they use too little fuel. Cars use way more, but that's probably because of their high speed. I don't know if a tank is too fast. Especially with concrete terrain coming up, this problem might be partly solved. One shouldn't be invincible in a tank either. With two people, even huge nests can be taken down, if done with caution and strategy. In Single Player, you'll need a line of turrets to back you up and kill the monsters for you.

I agree the tank could have more HP or resistance, but it needs upgrades. It'd be overpowered to have a very strong tank immediately. Most other things have upgrades, but vehicles do not...

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 4:34 pm
by bobingabout
I must disagree with the speed thing there. Sure it's a tank, it's supposed to be slow, but I run faster than the tank can move at max power. And the tank cannon shell is way too weak... but this is because there are no upgrades, unlike just about every other weapon in the game, if there were upgrades, it may be overpowered?

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 5:12 am
by UberWaffe
I'd love for vehicles to work (to some degree) like power armour, in that they have upgrade slots that you can stick equipment into. Then upgraded version of equipment and vehicle chassis could be added.

To differentiate it from power armour (as in it isn't just power armour on wheels that you can get into and out of) I would:
  • Make the vehicles have specialist slots for most of its main components (engine, armour, turret, etc.) and only a small grid for ad-hoc add-ons (shields, extra power, batteries, etc.)
  • Make the specialist slots dictate what can go into them (i.e. you will never be able to add a tank turret to a car, since it has no slot for it.).
  • Newly created vehicles come out with no attached main components. Basic ones are unlocked along with the normal vehicle research.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 7:09 am
by tongclub62
this won't end too well.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Thu May 21, 2015 4:50 pm
by Marconos
The tank needs a complete rework to be functional at this time. I love the look and feel, just needs to actually tank damage and deliver some. I'm looking forward to how the actually do balance it out.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Fri May 29, 2015 5:39 pm
by Xeorm
I've always wanted some ability to tinker/upgrade the vehicles. Should also help with keeping it out in the world the entire time, rather than my usual strategy of plopping them down, driving, and then picking them up later.

I know that right now the only use i've found for the tank is using it as a battering ram. Which it is surprisingly good at. Just driving forward into 1 or 2 nests and running to repair is surprisingly effective compared to other methods at the same tech level. Especially as killing the first few nests is where I tend to have the hardest time.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Sat May 30, 2015 2:36 am
by bobingabout
Yeah, the tank cannon always felt a bit... odd to me. I'd probably rather have a gattling gun, or some other fast firing weapon than the tank cannon. Similar to what we used to do with drive by shooting in the car before the tank was added.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Sat Jun 06, 2015 1:12 pm
by DaemosDaen
Why not just tie the Tank (and Car for that matter) into the modular system after modular armor (and power armor and power armor 2) are researched, Kinda like retro-fitting the Tank after you've done more research.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Sun Jun 07, 2015 10:53 pm
by bobingabout
DaemosDaen wrote:Why not just tie the Tank (and Car for that matter) into the modular system after modular armor (and power armor and power armor 2) are researched, Kinda like retro-fitting the Tank after you've done more research.
you'd be supprised (or not) how often people ask to be able to have modular equipment for the car and tank.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Mon Jun 08, 2015 8:53 am
by quinor
Becouse it seems quite logical, I also consider it a good idea.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Sat Jun 13, 2015 12:49 pm
by bobucles
A tank with shields and laser turrets would be a sight to behold. Vehicle modules could work out well since a friggin TANK ends up weaker than a space marine in power armor.

On second thought, what if player modules could plug into the tank? So a player can add their own laser turrets and shielding to the tank. Have the tank systems add another 500W of power and you'd have a grand ol' time. Now players can have a fast moving, heavy armor vehicle with piles of laser turrets and fast recharging shields. A tank using player modules would kick ass.

Edit: Cannon is pretty crappy long term without upgrades. It'd be nice to have a series of cannon upgrades, though using player laser turrets is a lot of dakka as is.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Sun Jun 14, 2015 2:38 pm
by bobingabout
Yeah, A tank cannon (which can't be upgraded) vs a fully upgraded shotgun (with you running around in a power suit with adaquate shielding and power so you don't die) the tank is a waste of space.
I added tank cannon upgrades in my mod.

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 1:18 am
by Lap
I actually favor nerfing the tank and most vehicles in a different way as well; they should have greatly reduced inventory.

This way we give purpose to a new class of vehicles that is meant to haul freight (mods that have trucks or trailer attachments).

Re: balancing the tank (and other small things)

Posted: Mon Sep 07, 2015 12:20 pm
by bobucles
Trains already exist as your primary freight vehicle. They're glued to rails because that allows the game code to work in the best way possible.

Has anything happened with modular vehicles, or vehicle research upgrades, or anything like that?