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Make defense require more resources

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 9:40 pm
by ThoughtCrime
Played through the newish campaign and really liked how the bitters worked as production pressure (As noted in the FFF). In free play, base defense set-up is fun and challenging but then consumes very few resources. By mid game <1% of my total production goes to weapons even in death mode. I wish the bitter/weapons would be updated so that bitter defense would be more like 20-30% of resources in the mid game and that this number would increase gradually to >100% (e.g. game loss) unless there is investment in technologies to improve weapon efficiency, production efficiency, pollution reduction, etc.

Re: Make defense require more resources

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:05 pm
by Selvek
On my deathworld, I'm struggling to produce enough resources to keep up with the constant ammo demand... hoping that I can get partially switched over to lasers sometime soon so that I might have a chance to free up some resources to afford some real science throughput :lol:

It probably didn't help that I spent a whole evening playing on the patch where biter evolution was 16x faster than intended... :?

Re: Make defense require more resources

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 10:12 pm
by bobucles
I don't think what OP is asking for is possible within current mechanics. The biggest spawning factor for biters is when pollution touches nests, and bases can have over a 10 fold swing in pollution output. A prod3 beacon base pumps out heaps of pollution, while a solar/eff1 cloud barely reaches outside the base borders.

Re: Make defense require more resources

Posted: Mon May 06, 2019 11:06 pm
by ThoughtCrime
bobucles wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 10:12 pm A prod3 beacon base pumps out heaps of pollution.
I have a prod3/speed3 base with nuclear power defended with a single wall and a flame turret every 26 tiles with robo-ports to heal stuff. It's consumes basically 0 resources to defend my base/outposts even on death world. What in game incentive do I have to invest in pollution reduction?

Re: Make defense require more resources

Posted: Tue May 07, 2019 7:44 am
by JimBarracus
bobucles wrote: Mon May 06, 2019 10:12 pm I don't think what OP is asking for is possible within current mechanics. The biggest spawning factor for biters is when pollution touches nests, and bases can have over a 10 fold swing in pollution output. A prod3 beacon base pumps out heaps of pollution, while a solar/eff1 cloud barely reaches outside the base borders.
I just switched from steam and steel furnaces to nuclear and electric smelters and upgraded everything to yellow assemblers.
Every miner and yellow assembler has 2 eff1 modules.
I also expanded the walls.
The pollution cloud does not even leave the base.
Biters dont attack at all.

the main problem with biters:
you can either handle them or you dont, the line is very thin.
if you want massive attacks dont use artillery and let them live just out of range of your defense and cover them in the dark red pollution clouds.

Re: Make defense require more resources

Posted: Wed May 08, 2019 3:45 pm
by jodokus31
There are map settings:
Screenshot from 2019-05-08 17-42-58.png
Screenshot from 2019-05-08 17-42-58.png (31.68 KiB) Viewed 3141 times
I didnt play with it, but i would assume, that biter attacks get way more frequent, if you reduce "Attack cost modifier"