[Request] "quantum technology"
Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2013 5:58 am
hello all
i want to try my hand at making mods. what i am trying to make is a new technology "Quantum theory" which enables the recipie for a quantum accelerator, which is useless by itself but expensive.
another two techs would be availible "Quantum weaponry" and "Quantum assembly" which enable a rail driver weapon and an extremely fast assembler, this would possible lead and advanced turret which upgrades of the lazer.
now i'm confident i can do the coding, however i'm not confident about art. i've attempted to work this by modifying existing items but i'd appreciate it if anyone would like to make the resources for it.
the theme i'm trying to have is a blue core in all quantum tech(makes me think of warp cores really) and heres what i have so far
the accelerator
the rail driver and rail slug
the assembler icon
and an idea for a super mining axe
let me know if
A) you'd like to help with the pictures (i'm not comfortable with the entities and i only have paint to edit with)
B) you like my idea and think i should keep on working on it.
part of this idea is to have more upgrades for things that stop, and which might also become ignored and obsolete early, i'm starting simple just to see how things work.
edit: update
after not doing much on this idea i have done some basic graphics work and planned a simple outline for my mod. so far the ideas go like this
q- core = 1 steel +1 blue + 1 green + 1 red
Rail driver weapon, long range, mid - high damage, slow reload.
q-core + sumbachine + 2 steel + 10 Purple
Rail Ammo *10 ..?
q-core +1 P-Ammo +10 ammo +1 Steel
quantum assembler - super fast assembler
Assembler 2 + Q-core + 10 Steel + 2 adv circuits
Reactors - constant energy, low yeild, upgrading
reactor - small - 1*1 generator
reactor - med 2*2 generator
reactor - large 4*4 generator
1 large - 4 med - 16 small
1 small = 1 core + solar panel + 1 L-turret + 10 steel
1 med core = 4 small + boiler + 64 coal + steam engine
1 large = 4 med + 4 logistics robots + 10 wires + assembling machine 2
+20% efficency each time??
1 large = 5 med power(25 50 or 75)
1 med = 5 small power(5 10 or 15)
1 small = ?? (1 2 or 3)
feed back and ideas are welcome
i want to try my hand at making mods. what i am trying to make is a new technology "Quantum theory" which enables the recipie for a quantum accelerator, which is useless by itself but expensive.
another two techs would be availible "Quantum weaponry" and "Quantum assembly" which enable a rail driver weapon and an extremely fast assembler, this would possible lead and advanced turret which upgrades of the lazer.
now i'm confident i can do the coding, however i'm not confident about art. i've attempted to work this by modifying existing items but i'd appreciate it if anyone would like to make the resources for it.
the theme i'm trying to have is a blue core in all quantum tech(makes me think of warp cores really) and heres what i have so far
the accelerator
the rail driver and rail slug
the assembler icon
and an idea for a super mining axe
let me know if
A) you'd like to help with the pictures (i'm not comfortable with the entities and i only have paint to edit with)
B) you like my idea and think i should keep on working on it.
part of this idea is to have more upgrades for things that stop, and which might also become ignored and obsolete early, i'm starting simple just to see how things work.
edit: update
after not doing much on this idea i have done some basic graphics work and planned a simple outline for my mod. so far the ideas go like this
q- core = 1 steel +1 blue + 1 green + 1 red
Rail driver weapon, long range, mid - high damage, slow reload.
q-core + sumbachine + 2 steel + 10 Purple
Rail Ammo *10 ..?
q-core +1 P-Ammo +10 ammo +1 Steel
quantum assembler - super fast assembler
Assembler 2 + Q-core + 10 Steel + 2 adv circuits
Reactors - constant energy, low yeild, upgrading
reactor - small - 1*1 generator
reactor - med 2*2 generator
reactor - large 4*4 generator
1 large - 4 med - 16 small
1 small = 1 core + solar panel + 1 L-turret + 10 steel
1 med core = 4 small + boiler + 64 coal + steam engine
1 large = 4 med + 4 logistics robots + 10 wires + assembling machine 2
+20% efficency each time??
1 large = 5 med power(25 50 or 75)
1 med = 5 small power(5 10 or 15)
1 small = ?? (1 2 or 3)
feed back and ideas are welcome