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[REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Fri May 18, 2018 7:01 pm
by Villfuk02
I'm making a petty big mod. I can make basic icons by downloading images from the internet and editing them, but I have no experience with making machines. I'd like to request 8 machines. Details of dimensions and water inputs/outputs will be in attachment. Try to go for style which fits into vanilla factorio or Angel's. All machines which have pipe connections are rotatable.
1. [DONE] Basic farm: 5.5x5.5 tiles - farmland with fence around it.
2. Greenhouse: 4.5x4.5 - a glass structure with lamps and sprinklers inside. Has one water input
3. Big greenhouse: 7.5x7.5 - a bigger, more mechanized and advanced version of Greenhouse. Can be made of 4 smaller sections. Has 2 water inputs.
4. Incubator: 6.5x6.5 - Ultimate crop-growing machine which may or may not have windows. Can be made of multiple smaller sections. Has 2 water inputs.
5. [DONE] Composter: 1.5x1.5 - Small wooden box with dirt inside.
6. Electric composter: 3.3x3.3 - Some sort of machine, which should have some pipes,vents and probably some heating units - can look like multiple smaller parts connected together (
like Angel's gas refinery). Has 2 water inputs.
7. Burner cooker: 1.9x1.9 - Small machine used to prepare food. Made of stome and iron. Early tech. Has 1 water input.
8. Electric cooker: 1.9x1.9 - Predecessor of electric furnace with pipes... Has 1 water input and 1 water output.

- Výstřižek.PNG (229.1 KiB) Viewed 9650 times
Thanks for any response. If you want to make only some of these machines, you can.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sat May 19, 2018 11:21 pm
by darkfrei
5. Composter: 1.7x1.7 - Small wooden box with dirt inside.
Like this?
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 4:46 am
by Villfuk02
Oh, it looks awesome! I just have one question:
Do you think it could be animated in some way, but not look weird? The composting takes 200 seconds, so It's really slow. And there are no mechanical parts on this...
Also i think it could be a little bit higher. But doesn't need to
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 5:01 am
by Villfuk02
In the end i decided to make it smaller (1.5x1.5) because it should be really small. Here is a screenshot

- Výstřižek.PNG (207.87 KiB) Viewed 9829 times
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:00 am
by darkfrei
This box is already rectangle and you can use it as hr-graphics too.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:30 am
by Villfuk02
By higher, i meant on the vertical axis (perpendicular to the ground). Nothing to do with the height of the image itself.
Sorry for poor wording
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:39 am
by darkfrei
Like this?
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:43 am
by Villfuk02
Yup! Thanks!
Do you plan on doing some other machines for me too?
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 10:57 am
by darkfrei
So, here is an animation:
width = 1040/8
high = 760/8
shift_x = 18/32 (or -18/32, try one and add minus if it was wrong)
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:16 am
by Villfuk02
It seems kind of weird to write thank you every time you post something. Just know I'm glad you're helping me. I hope you won't by dissapointed with the mod you are making this for.
And the shift was 18/64
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:17 am
by darkfrei
Villfuk02 wrote:It seems kind of weird to write thank you every time you post something. Just know I'm glad you're helping me. I hope you won't by dissapointed with the mod you are making this for.
And the shift was 18/64
It was for your request, 30 minutes for model and 5 minutes for rendering.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 11:46 am
by darkfrei
Villfuk02 wrote:Do you plan on doing some other machines for me too?
If I have time and it's interesting for me.
1. Basic farm: 3.5x3.5 tiles - farmland with fence around it.
How you see it? I've found some tutorial, must this farm be like here?
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 1:27 pm
by Villfuk02
I have imagined something similar, but I'd like the fence to be smaller. It should be textured, not with flat colors. The rest depends on you. But if you don't know what to do, I can provide some more inspiration.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 3:08 pm
by darkfrei
Villfuk02 wrote:I have imagined something similar, but I'd like the fence to be smaller. It should be textured, not with flat colors. The rest depends on you. But if you don't know what to do, I can provide some more inspiration.
One tile is 32x32 pixels or 64x64 pixels by hr-version. So, textured fence will be about 2-3 pixels, you can't see any texture, just more light or dark lines.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 3:19 pm
by Villfuk02
Thats sounds fine to me. The important thing is if it will look good
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 4:20 pm
by darkfrei
Villfuk02 wrote:Thats sounds fine to me. The important thing is if it will look good
Which color vegetable must here be? It can be also grayscale, then you can tint it by prototype.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 5:12 pm
by Villfuk02
It will grow different kinds of plants (but all of them are green, except their blossoms), so if you want to make plants on top, jut make some generic green plants without blossoms.
But that alien plant looks seriously cool
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Sun May 20, 2018 8:40 pm
by darkfrei
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 4:18 am
by Villfuk02
Looking good. But I'd just like the plants to look like plants, not truncated cones sticking from the ground

It would also be good to add some dirt around the fence poles to seem more like there's part burried in ground.
Re: [REQUEST] Machines for my food-based mod
Posted: Mon May 21, 2018 4:34 pm
by darkfrei
Villfuk02 wrote:Looking good. But I'd just like the plants to look like plants, not truncated cones sticking from the ground

It would also be good to add some dirt around the fence poles to seem more like there's part burried in ground.
New version:

- farm_10.png (426.39 KiB) Viewed 9659 times