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[done] ksp style graphics
Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:00 pm
by Lutra
currently i need a launchpad(similar to that in ksp-a building with a stretch of concrete) and a small rocket(again,ksp style please). the launchpad entity needs to be 352*384 and the rocket 192*288. icons are 32*32 edit: nvm now. i got some good pictures
Re: REQUEST ksp style graphics
Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:02 pm
by Adil
Why don't you just fabricate screenshots from ksp then?
Re: REQUEST ksp style graphics
Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:10 pm
by Lutra
im no good with graphics. i can code, and use paint, but thats as far as i go...
Re: REQUEST ksp style graphics
Posted: Fri May 06, 2016 3:07 pm
by devilwarriors
if you have KSP you could at the very least build the rocket you want and post a screenshot of it standing on the launchpad. That would give an idea of what you want.
Because you can make a vast range of different looking rocket in that game.
Re: [done] ksp style graphics
Posted: Mon Jul 11, 2016 6:25 am
by ntm
One thing to note is that factorio (being 2D) has parallel projection whereas 3d games have perspective projection. But the good thing about stereographic projection is that at the limit of very small FOV it gets closer to parallel projection. In KSP I think you can hold alt or control to change the FOV. That should make it easy to take a screenshot that works well for use with a 2D game.