first pack of changes
complete remake
fiberglass board
better silicon waffles (like steejo would say XP)
- brand new
cpu with stacked processing unit for whatever task needing! so its 2 cpu's in one but one of it is fully modable and looks much better than the placeholder in my opinion

specific tweaks:
lighting change on the integrated electronics, shadow/reflection was looping and looked too chrome like so I lowered the tone of the lower left corner(took some time tbh) and looks more vanilla like in, havent seen it in-game yet so this is all subject to change!
still too shiny actualy, will have to make the thing more iron plate like
planned next changes:
- make wooden board wood like but with the chips shape and remove gold contact connectors
- make the blue circuit boards look thicker and tilte the overall thing a tiny bit (maybe since alot of items already are, would be cool if there could be multiple samples of items with different orientations to actualy make it look more random but eh, guess it wouldn'T help on performance unless the game wouldn't keep track of every single one and just spawn the items procedurally everytime they enter fov of the resolution to avoid invisible items on triple moniter setup for people like meh

- try to see what I can do with the solder roll
- find a nice and satisfying shape for the rubber
- change the solder plate
- do the same changes to the electronic-components than what I did with the resistors because they should be equally packed together because of their size
- change the god awful looking resin XD sorry bob but I don't understand why it hasn't bine replaced yet!
- finaly make synthetic wood look so bad... reminds me of the stupid cheesy fake wood panels on the side of wagoneers in the 80s XD
- will do the superior-circuit-board and electronic-logic-board because I will completely remake them and I am planning on making it the best looking thing, have learned alot since the first changes! I will do my best to suprise you guys with a design which would be both respecting the game style, futuristic and maybe have a layout that would actualy work but with the size of the 32x32 res it would be very hard so that most likely wont be a thing. But I want it to be as satisfying looking as the vanilla modules because those things look so... can't find a word for it but its just fun to pick and drag those items for some reason XD probably because you can insert them in assemblers and such
Anyway thats it for today and will probanly bring some new juicy stuff as soon as possible so stay tuned if you like the changes so far
One last thing, going from Montreal to Toronto this weekend so a good 8 hour drive so I will be spending time on the highway tweaking stuff and hopefully by then I will be already tweaking modules because those will be really fun!