Perl script for copying a locale to all (or fewer) other locales
Posted: Tue Feb 11, 2020 5:50 am
Wrote a script because I think people would get annoyed of "unknown key 'mymod-blah-blah'" appearing in my mod. It's better than no string showing up, but eventually you want to fill in actual locales if people help you or you try a translator. ... nShK0xOGrU
With no arguments:
with perl -L en > output.txt 2>&1 if the folder "af" is missing:
Using perl -L en -W -NL af >localeout.txt 2>&1
I have a Perl program on windows because I like it, but it's not common to have one. I could write a batch script for windows users, but I'm certain it wouldn't be as good. ... nShK0xOGrU
With no arguments:
Code: Select all
copy a locale folder to every other locale (or fewer)
run in mod/ or mod/locale
-L <locale> to use language (only 1!)
-NL <locale> to ignore locale. can be used many times
-W to overwrite existing locale files
example: perl -L pl -NL en -NL ja -W
copy polish to every locale except english and japanese, overwrite existing files
example with prints sent to file:
perl -L pl -NL en -NL ja -W > localecopy.txt 2>&1
Code: Select all
using locale: en
ran from mod folder
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/af/
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/ar/
./locale/ar/config.cfg exists and overwrite was not specified (-W)
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/be/
./locale/be/config.cfg exists and overwrite was not specified (-W)
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/bg/
./locale/bg/config.cfg exists and overwrite was not specified (-W)
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/ca/
./locale/ca/config.cfg exists and overwrite was not specified (-W)
Code: Select all
Removed locale af
using locale: en
ran from mod folder
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/ar/
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/be/
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/bg/
Copying ./locale/en/config.cfg to ./locale/ca/