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Just another (online) calculation tool

Posted: Sat May 27, 2017 10:14 am
by Chessmaster
Hello there,

with the change of the science pack production in version 0.15 I wanted to calculate a tree with all needed elements for each science pack and see how many assembling machines and such I need to build and how many items they need from the main bus. So I started to draw some trees on paper, created them later with an excel sheet and at the end I wanted to write a generic framework to calculate such trees. So I wrote a php-application that runs in your browser to be accessible from everywhere and from every operating system. A calculated tree looks like the following:
tree.jpg (49.44 KiB) Viewed 2025 times
If you also want to use it, you can find a demo here:
The source code and an issue management can be found here:

Since the images in the tree are from the game, they are protected by copyright laws so I cannot use them in a public available website. When you run the tool on your own webserver for your own you can simply paste the icons folder to the project and your tree will be look much nicer. But maybe the factorio developers allow me the usage of their icons for this fan-project? Since it is only useful if you have bought the game and play it and the website links to the game it is also in their interest and is not abused in any sense. Exists a official statement of the developers for such cases?