OK so:
"solar-panel-equipment=Przenoścy panel słoneczny" should be "Przenośny panel słoneczny", wrong letter
"item-on-ground=Przedmiot na ziemii" -> "przedmiot na ziemi", wrong letter
"basic-oil-processing=Kraking ropy naftowej" should be "Destylacja ropy naftowej", because it's distillation, not cracking
"advanced-oil-processing=Zaawansowany kraking ropy naftowej" - "Zaawansowana destylacja ropy naftowej"
"fusion-reactor-equipment=Przenośny reaktor jądrowy" - "Przenośny reaktor termojądrowy", now it's nuclear ractor instead of fusion reactor.
"processing-unit=Procesor" - "Układ procesorowy", proper name
"laser-turret=Wieża laserowa" - "Działko laserowe", proper name (now it's "laser tower")
"intermediate-products=Produkty pośrednie" - "Półprodukty", proper name
"production-module-usable-only-on-intermeidates=Moduł produkcyjny ma zastosowanie tylko na produktach pośrednich" - "Moduł produkcyjny ma zastosowanie tylko na półproduktach".
There are also some problems with oil products names. Now they are:
"petroleum-gas=Gaz ziemny" - now it means "Natural gas". I would like to rename it into "Propan-butan", a technical name of Liquefied petroleum gas. But I must know: is it LPG proper or not?
"light-oil=Lekka ropa" and "heavy-oil=Cieżka ropa" now means "Light crude oil" and "Heavy crude oil". Wrong names, but translation depends on types of distillation product:
Light distillates:
Liquid petroleum gas (LPG)
Gasoline (also known as petrol)
Heavy Naphtha
Light Naphtha
Middle distillates:
Automotive and rail-road diesel fuels
Residential heating fuel
Other light fuel oils
Heavy distillates:
Heavy fuel oils
Bunker fuel oil and other residual fuel oils
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petroleum ... _processes
Which one should be used for the light and heavy oil?