[0.9.0] Polish translation

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Long Handed Inserter
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[0.9.0] Polish translation

Post by andzoak »

Some time ago I was updated several files in Polish translation repository. It was missing in 0.9.2 so please add it to the next release.

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Re: [0.9.0] Polish translation

Post by kovarex »

Hello, sorry for the delay.
There are some problems with the polish translation.
1) The locale for the beta levels are now different, as those levels had been changed
2) The offshore-pump is still in the game, there are both (offshore-pump and pump)

New level 01 of beta

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msg-sector-scan-completed=Sector scan complete.
msg-ship-wreck-located=Small shipwreck located to the southeast.
think-explore-ship-wreck=Alright, it's time to explore that area.
msg-distress-signal=Your personal radio transmitter seems to come alive.
msg-distress-signal-1=CHRRRRRRR Can anyone hear me ? CHRRRRRRR
msg-distress-signal-2=CHRRRRRRVEEWRRR Our mining base is under attack. We need support! 
msg-distress-signal-3=CHWEWRRRRRRRVEEWRRR .....
think-find-survivors=So I'm not the only survivor after all, I should find the base as fast as I can.
msg-distress-signal-4=CHRRRRRRR Our location is 46.70, 2.174, I repeat, our location is 46.70, 2.174, can anyone hear me? CHWWHRRRRRR
msg-distress-signal-5=*You try to answer using your radio transmitter, but the active button is broken.
msg-distress-signal-6=*You were supposed to repair this long time ago ....
msg-distress-signal-7=*You just calculated, that the place is more than two hundreds kilometers away, there is no way to get there by feet.
msg-distress-signal-8=*You will have to find some other way to transport there.
goal-build-lab=Craft and build lab.
msg-lab-ready=The first thing I should research is probably automation, but other things can help me as well.
goal-research-automation=Use labs to research automation.
hint-research-1=Once you fill the lab with the science packs, it will start the research of one unit.
hint-research-2=Technologies need certain count of units to be completed, so using more labs will speed up your research as long as you feed them with science packs.
goal-research-automobilism=Use labs to research automobilism.
goal-build-car=Craft and place the car.
goal-enter-car-insert-fuel=Build the car, enter it using and __CONTROL__toggle-driving__ and insert fuel (coal) in the car.
hint-to-automate-science-pack-crafting=To speed up your progress, you should use assembling machines to automate the creation of science packs.
Old translation

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msg-wreck-location=Wrak statku jest położony na południowym wschodzie.
msg-wreck-motivation=Muszę się tam dostać i odzyskać dane których potrzebuję do opracowania zaawansowanych technologii.
msg-wreck-guarded=Niestety, na tym terenie jest dużo przeciwników. Muszę się przygotować
msg-wreck-time-limit=Mam __1__ minut na odzyskanie go, albo oni zrobią to za mnie
msg-tip=Powinienem zacząć produkować elektryczność i zbadać optykę, żeby móc korzystać ze świateł.
msg-research=Badania opracowywane są w __ENTITY__lab__. Możesz zawsze sprawdzić informacje o technologiach poprzez naciścięcie __CONTROL__open-technology-gui__.
msg-rockets-needed=Będę potrzebował mnóstwa rakiet aby się przedostać. Nie dam rady zrobić ich ręcznie, będę potrzebował automatów produkcyjnych
msg-armor-needed=Będę potrzebował ochrony, powinienem zrobić zbroję.
goal-get-computer=Zdobądź komputer na czas (południowy wschód)\nZostało: __1__
goal-get-computer-without-time=Zdobądź komputer (południowy wschód)

Long Handed Inserter
Long Handed Inserter
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Re: [0.9.0] Polish translation

Post by andzoak »

Last time I has only updated files in the "core".

So next time I will focus on files from campaign first.

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Re: [0.9.0] Polish translation

Post by kovarex »

Oh, I can update only core if you want.

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