[kovarex] [1.1.26] ghost power connection to power switch not always visible
Posted: Sun Mar 07, 2021 12:54 pm
When blueprinting these entities and after that building them by hand to actually place them in the world, the order matters.
If building the poles first and the switch after, all goes well.
If building the swich first and the poles after, the connections do weird things.
In picture 3, the actual connection is still there although not visible which is strange, when building the pole, picture 4 happens, so it actually remembered the cable.
But this is weird, in picture 3, when deleting the left ghost pole, and ctrl+z to get the ghost back, the ghost connection is lost, visually, and from memory, now when building the pole it only build the pole without any connections, resulting in picture 4 wthout the left cable.
- place a blueprint like picture 1.
- build switch.
- build left pole.
- delete switch ( right mouse button )
- ctrl+z
- delete left pole ( right mouse button )
- ctrl+z
- build switch.
- build left pole.
now the connection is gone, also works for right pole.