[kovarex] [1.1.19] Drag placing power pole from out of reach places pole immediately once in reach
Posted: Sat Jan 30, 2021 6:45 pm
When using the drag placing functionality of power poles, and starting by clicking on an existing pole that is out of range, a pole is immediately placed once the cursor enters player building range, instead of following the 'normal' rules of waiting for max connection distance or leaving no unpowered entities. This doesn't happen if the existing pole is in-range when you start.What Happens
What's Expected
For no poles to be placed until I hit the max pole range, or there is an unpowered entity, ie the same behavior that exists if the existing pole is in range when you start the click and drag operation. I found this issue when I was drag placing big poles from a moving train, which had already passed the last built pole out of range. Had to reverse the train to get it back in range to continue placing them automatically.Not sure if this is a bug or intentional, but it seems inconsistent with the ghost behavior and searching didn't find any previous reports.
The screenshots are from a modded game, but I also tested this in a vanilla game to confirm the same issue.