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[Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:21 pm
by ichVII
I can shift place ghost entities out of player range now, but i can not place them without holding shift, even if i have a ghost entity stack in hand (so no item in inventory).

Re: [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from shortcut menu

Posted: Sat Jan 16, 2021 5:33 pm
by Loewchen
I can reproduce this.

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:45 pm
by GregoriusT
I can still reproduce this in 1.1.12 even though it was supposed to be fixed in 1.1.12. I would like to test it in 1.1.13 just to make sure, but Steam wont let me update (maybe it takes a while to notice the new Release), however I did not see anything in the Changelog indicating that this Bug has been fixed in 1.1.13.

This Issue affects Quickbar Ghosts as well as Pipetted Ghosts, which are supposed to be placeable outside the Players Range, yet they are not.

Holding shift to have those Ghosts enter the "replace Nature" Mode will fix the Range Limit, but that is a pain to constantly have to do just to place Ghosts in your Outposts and Stuff.

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:53 pm
by Loewchen
How could a bug found in 1.1.12 get fixed in 1.1.12?!

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 12:59 pm
by GregoriusT
I said 1.1.13 lol. I follow the Releases very closely ;)


Edit: Oh now I get what you meant. No I meant It was supposed to be fixed in 1.1.12 because ANOTHER bug regarding ghosts out of range did get fixed, and since this is in the Resolved Category I assumed someone messed up. XD

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:38 pm
by GregoriusT
So I got to try it in 1.1.13 and THIS time it at least gives me the "can't reach" message when trying to place the Ghost, which narrows the Issue down slightly, codewise at least.

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:51 pm
by Loewchen
GregoriusT wrote: Fri Jan 22, 2021 1:38 pm So I got to try it in 1.1.13 and THIS time it at least gives me the "can't reach" message
No it doesn't, it just places the ghost!
No clue what you are doing but this bug is fixed in 1.1.13 so stop posting in the report please.

Re: [Rseding91] [1.1.12] Cannot place ghost outside range when taken from quickbar

Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2021 2:01 pm
by GregoriusT
Sorry, I just doublechecked, I fucked up, it actually works. ^^"

(That's what I get for thinking I did not have Wooden Power Poles in my inventory when pipetting them at my Wall...)

Also sorry for saying Sorry despite the stop posting message.