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[.18.16] Numpad enter doesn't work for the final check on Logistic "set request" bar

Posted: Thu Mar 26, 2020 7:21 pm
by kenmras
I recently loaded an older map and I'm loving the new UI updates as well as the logistic tab but I like to use my numpad for entering numbers and the numpad enter doesn't work to select the green check mark on the "Set request" slider bar.
The keyboard enter works great
  1. Open logistics tab in inventory
  2. Choose any object to filter or make a new one
  3. Select a low value, press numpad enter
  4. Select a high value, press numpad enter
  5. Press numpad enter again to accept the changes and make the request (nothing happens)
  6. Press keyboard enter and request is executed

Re: [.18.16] Numpad enter doesn't work for the final check on Logistic "set request" bar

Posted: Fri Mar 27, 2020 11:44 am
by posila
Hello, do you have anything bound to numpad enter in control settings? If so, what?

If you had it bound to entering vehicle for example, that is fixed for 0.18.17. Thank you for the report.