Minor Toolbelt "Bug"

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Minor Toolbelt "Bug"

Post by Koncookie »

Don't know if this is worth calling it a bug, but it's a wrong behavior therefore I post it here.
If I have one item out of my toolbelt in hand the handicon appears in the toolbar. But if I now switch the toolbar with the "x" key or the switch icon, the hand stays on its place.
The "bigger" problem now is, that if I have an empty, but locked item slot in my first row and take the item from the slot in the second row, switch rows and drop the item back into the toolbelt with "q", it lands in the locked slot.

Here's an album showing the progress: https://imgur.com/a/xYz8l

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Re: Minor Toolbelt "Bug"

Post by Oxyd »

Fixed in 0.12. Thanks.

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