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[Twinsen] [0.17.79] LabPrototype::researchingSpeed not respected when showing speed in tooltip of lab entity

Posted: Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:23 am
by billbo99
I was playing about with a mod to add some mk2/3 labs which would increase module slot and researching_speed per tier.

When I had a look in game the tooltips did not show the "researching_speed" effect, all I could see was the ingame bonus from research. If I look at the item in my inventory I can see the lab speed in that tooltip, so its just missing from the placed down tooltips. Hope this is an easy adjustment for someone to add.

lab-3.png (1.16 MiB) Viewed 1387 times

Re: [Twinsen] [0.17.79] LabPrototype::researchingSpeed not respected when showing speed in tooltip of lab entity

Posted: Wed Jan 22, 2020 8:35 am
by billbo99
This appears to be fixed in 0.18