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[Rseding91] [0.17.28] Trivial smoke positioning system doesn't work outside of 8 chunk diameter

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 2:35 am
by prettybry
Trivial smoke can be created at great distances from it's origin, similar to other in-game effects.

Trivial smoke appears to be bounded to a maximum of 8 chunks in diameter, and then 'reflects' off of this boundary.

I have a mod that is trying to replicate a more realistic-sized nuclear bomb. My first attempt at this is just upscaing the existing atomic-bomb. I've created a mod, little-boy, and the relevant prototype changes can be found here: ... s/item.lua

My issue, at the moment, is the smoke trail associated with the bomb seems to hit some sort of boundary, and then fucks up and flows in the opposite direction. Video: ... (sorry for potato)

I'm not sure what is controlling the smoke. I believe littleBoyRocket.action.action_delivery.target_effects is creating the smoke entities via create-trivial-smoke, but I'm not sure why it's reflecting on whatever boundary it is.

Appeal to Authority
Bug repro'd and confirmed by @Bilka in the Discord server:
Bilka Today (2019-04-11) at 11:34 AM
@❤❤PrettyBry❤❤ You should make a bug report. This looks like a problem with the position system that is used for trivial smoke

Re: [0.17.28] Trivial smoke positioning system doesn't work outside of 8 chunk diameter

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2019 7:26 am
by Rseding91
Thanks for the report. It's now fixed for the next version of 0.17.