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Wrong name "Enter" btn in "Basic Trains & rail building" on Windows

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 10:57 pm
by alego22
I use windows. Windows usually haves "enter" button.
Mac usually haves "return"

On computer keyboards, the enter key (or the return key on Macs[1] and most Sun Workstations[2])

Fix this please because my friend can't find "return" :C

Re: Wrong name "Enter" btn in "Basic Trains & rail building" on Windows

Posted: Thu Apr 11, 2019 11:27 am
by posila
Thanks for the report.

I'd say I don't care (key names are produces by SDL, but I found code that was supposed to change RETURN to ENTER, but wasn't working, so I fixed that (and did it just for Windows and Linux builds), so it is fixed for 0.17.29

(But I still don't care if it is called RETURN or ENTER ;))