[kovarex][0.17.15] Blueprinted trains incorrectly placed on adjacent rail
Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2019 6:25 am
If a train wagon or locomotive is placed via blueprint (or maybe by ghost too, I haven't tried it), it can be placed on the wrong rail.
Here's a gif of the blueprint itself being placed wrong:
Here's a gif of the blueprint being placed correctly, but the actual trains being placed incorrectly.
...and a save for the above gif
Here's a picture of the part of my factory that suffers heavily from this issue, since I blueprint it often:
- [kovarex] [0.17.9] Blueprinted trains snapping to wrong rail/not appearing when blueprint is near adjacent rails - note the issue I am reporting here is appearing AFTER the linked issue was resolved.
- [0.17.4] Train blueprint snap to wagon - I'd guess this has the same root cause.
- [0.17.3] Placing train on train ghost does not remove ghost
Here's a gif of the blueprint itself being placed wrong:
Here's a gif of the blueprint being placed correctly, but the actual trains being placed incorrectly.
...and a save for the above gif
Here's a picture of the part of my factory that suffers heavily from this issue, since I blueprint it often: