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[Twinsen][0.17.11] Search bar focus shortcut unreliable (minor)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:54 am
by Bulzurco96
I have bound the "focus search bar" control to Mouse Button 5. When I have inventory or tech tree open, clicking mouse button 5 while my cursor is off the window (or hovering a tech card) causes the search bar to appear, but not be focused. Typing then no longer types into the search bar but rather activates other keyboard shortcuts. I can't tell if this bug is actually new or if I am just noticing it, but I've had that keybinding for a while now and never had issues.

Re: [Twinsen][0.17.11] Search bar focus shortcut unreliable (minor)

Posted: Tue Mar 12, 2019 1:40 pm
by Twinsen
Fixed in Version: 0.17.12