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[Dominik][0.17.2] Pasting recipe does not update linked (internal I/O) fluid box contents, allowing mixing

Posted: Wed Feb 27, 2019 7:35 pm
by IronCartographer
Save file attached shows the results of some experimentation, with several resulting cases of mismatched fluid boxes.
Pasting Fluid Recipes
(736.67 KiB) Downloaded 121 times

Steps to reproduce:
  1. Set two different (incompatible) fluid recipes on two different machines
  2. Paste one onto the other
  3. Build a pipe beside the paste-target machine's updated (different fluid) pipe connection
  4. Pipe will be flagged for the fluid of the previous recipe I/O, not the new label of the adjacent fluid box
This can also result in the false detection of mixing, such as below where the pipe wants to place as lubricant (the previous recipe on the assembler before pasting), which conflicts with the chemical plant's input (sulfuric acid). The situation depicted here is fixed (fluid output from assembler updates to acid) if you rotate the assembler, or change the recipe the hard way.
fluid mix false alarm.png
fluid mix false alarm.png (787.05 KiB) Viewed 2177 times

Re: [0.17.2] Pasting recipe does not update linked (internal I/O) fluid box contents, allowing mixing

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 10:14 am
by Dominik
Another report 65730

Re: [Dominik][0.17.2] Pasting recipe does not update linked (internal I/O) fluid box contents, allowing mixing

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 12:02 pm
by Dominik
Hi, thanks for the report. Yes, the filters were not resetting properly. Fixed now.