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[posila] [0.17.0] Textures not rendering properly, OpenGL

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:23 pm
by R.Nukem
Both myself and another player on the subreddit ran into this issue. Game loads with a black background and the new GUI. When you get in game all textures are black unless you move/zoom. Sprites appear properly. Console prints the following"

ERROR 'INVALID_ENUM' (1280) in glGetUnsignedBytevEXT

and them massive amounts of :

ERROR 'INVALID_OPERATION' (1282) in glDrawElements

current workaround is to enable directx rendering in steam launch options with --force-d3d

Re: Textures not rendering properly, OpenGL

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:30 pm
by posila
Thanks for the report.
Can set launch options to

Code: Select all

--debug-graphics --verbose
then try to launch the game with OpenGL again (kill it as soon as it gets to 94%) and post new logs here, please? Also post some screenshot of corrupted in-game graphics, please.

Direct3D is preferred renderer on Windows, but I'd like to try to fix OpenGL too

Re: [posila] [0.17.0] Textures not rendering properly, OpenGL

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:26 pm
by ziggyHH

I had the same problem on my Windows 7 PC. After applying the start-up option (in Steam: --force-d3d) the problem is gone.
So, I assume that on my PC OpenGL was used by default, not DirectX. I had no problems with my graphic card since Factorio 12 Steam Version.
My card is the AMD 290X with latest drivers (DirectX 11.2 compatible, 4 GB RAM).

Re: [posila] [0.17.0] Textures not rendering properly, OpenGL

Posted: Thu Feb 28, 2019 9:07 pm
by posila
It should be fixed in 0.17.3