[kovarex] [0.16.27]Items moving forward when items put on belts
Posted: Thu Mar 01, 2018 9:38 pm
by Bilka
As far as I understand the explanation from the fff, the items being squashed onto belts by for example inserters should not affect items in front of them. They however do push items forward.
In this gif it is very clear that items about a tile to right of the inserter are moving because the gaps change, as seen when using the debug visualisation.
Re: [kovarex] [0.16.27]Items moving forward when items put on belts
Posted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:38 pm
by Engimage
This looks like Kovarex is experimenting on compression without causing major hit on belt performance
Unlike previous case where belt block was shitfing backwards to insert the item here items are moving forward. And if putting aesthetics aside this particular implementation actually results in compression further down the belt unlike previous iteration which did spread the belt. In your gif I can see items actually compressing couple of tiles forward from the inserter.
This is a clear step forward from previous version but there is still a space to work on.
Re: [kovarex] [0.16.27]Items moving forward when items put on belts
Posted: Wed Mar 07, 2018 12:05 pm
by kovarex
This bug is actually result of my error.
I made a code that shrinks a gap when squashed item is present, but I kind of forgot, that the first gap can be either after or before the squashed item.
Anyway, this is now fixed for the next version.
Re: [kovarex] [0.16.27]Items moving forward when items put on belts
Posted: Sun Mar 11, 2018 11:18 am
by EnigmaticAussie
I believe this is still happening in 0.16.28
I've attached my save, specifically looking at the red belt steel furnace setups.
I'm a numki and didn't check that this was for 0.16.29.
Please ignore me.
Re: [kovarex] [0.16.27]Items moving forward when items put on belts