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[posila][0.15.30] Phantom laser turret outlines

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:28 pm
by halfbro
I just found another bug within half an hour, I'm on a roll.

So at a certain map zoom level (3 zoom outs from the last zoom level that lets you place objects/see things from radar), laser turret attack zones will be duplicated from other parts of the map.

In my case, I walked very far (about half the width of the map when most zoomed out) to the west, and the projection comes from the turrets on the most eastern part of my base.

Here's an image comparing the two, the top one is the view of the eastern part of the base (with the actual turrets) while the bottom is an image of the phantom attack outlines on the far west of my base.
Factorio_Phantom_Laser_Attack_Outlines.png (298.58 KiB) Viewed 2960 times

Re: [0.15.30] Phantom laser turret outlines

Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2017 8:40 pm
by halfbro
Investigating further, the zoom level determines how far away the phantom project really is. Zooming in 1 level makes the phantom projection appear to the east of the original projection.

Re: [posila][0.15.30] Phantom laser turret outlines

Posted: Sun Jul 16, 2017 1:58 pm
by posila
Thanks for the report.
I now remember it was reported before, but as the original report got moved into some of the subforums I forgot about it, so thanks for posting it again :)

Fixed for next release.